On 29th March 2023, the teaching staff of B.Com have distributed Study Material to the Group Leaders of B.Com Final Year. The faculty interacted with...
National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights
On 10th February 2023, the faculties of social sciences in association with the department of Commerce have successfully organized One Day National...
Personality Development Programme for BJR GDC Students
On 25th November, 2022, A personality Development Programme is Organized for the I B.Com Students. Sri Sharath Pottalla is the resource person for the...
BJR GDC Students topped at Telangana Commerce Students Meet 2022
On 19.09.2022, Ms. B. Navya and Mr. Rahul Kumar Raj won first and second prizes respectively in Commerce quiz organized during Telangana Commerce...
ICSSR-SRC Sponsored National workshop on Report Writing on Research and Project in Commerce and Social Sciences
Two Day workshop titled "National Workshop on Report Writing on Research and Projects in Commerce and Social Sciences" held during 27 - 28 May 2022,...
Commerce Quiz
On 20.05.2022, the Department of Commerce organized 'Commerce Quiz' for B.Com Students. Thirty five (35) students enrolled for the Commerce Quiz. Each...

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