Dept. of Statistics

Statistics Dept.


  • The Department of Statistics was established in the year 1996.The department has spacious well equipped labs with sufficient number of required computers, scientific calculators. The Faculty of Statistics are well qualified and experienced lectures in Undergraduate teaching. The Department encourages the students to participate in extra curricular activities like ‘Yuvatharangam’ , an inter-collegiate competitions. The Department also conducts various extension lectures and activities on regular basis.


  • To produce Statisticians who are excellent in scientific data collection, data management, methods and data analysis and in turn  contribute towards the society.


  • To disseminate the knowledge of statistics to the students at the undergraduate level.
  • To provide academic facilities to the students aspiring career in statistics and information technology.
  • To provide essential computer education to use various statistical tools.
  • To provide proper guidance for appearing PG and ICET entrance examinations, as well as to prepare them for TSPSC and UPSC examinations in statistics.
  • To train the students to understand the significance of statistical concepts to apply in real-life situations.


  • To enable the students understand scientific methods of data collection.
  • To make the Students proficient in data analysis and interpretation.


The Department of Statistics offers the following programs:

Under Graduate

  • B.Sc: MSCs (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science).
  • B.Sc: MSDs (Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science).
  • B.Sc: MPS(Mathematics,Physics,Statistics).
  • B.Sc: MES(Mathematics,Economics,Statistics).

Course Outcomes:

STAT-Descriptive Statistics (Theory+ Practical) –Paper-I

  • Students learn the basic tools of descriptive statistics.
  • Measures of central tendency & Dispersion properties and its applications.
  • Concept of Moments and their use in studying various characteristics of data.
  • Different approaches to the theory of probability and their use in solving problems.
  • Analyze statistical data using MS-Excel.

STAT-Probability Theory and Distributions (Theory+ Practical): Paper-II

  • Students learn different types of continuous distribution with their properties and applications.
  • Knowledge of important discrete and continuous distributions such as Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial and Hyper-geometric, normal, uniform, exponential, beta and gamma distributions,
  • Acumen to apply standard discrete and continuous probability distributions to different situations.
  • Analyze statistical data using MS-Excel.

STAT-Statistical Methods (Theory+ Practical): Paper-III

  • Student learn to i) identify the relationship between two variables using scatter plot
  • ii) Interpret a sample correlation.
  • Know the association between the attributes.
  • Know the construction of point and interval estimators.
  • Evaluate the properties of estimators.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the theory of maximum likelihood estimation
  • Analyze Statistical data using MS-Excel.

STAT-Statistical Inference (Theory+ Practical): Paper-IV

  • Students are able to describe the properties of unbiasedness. They are also learning to identify the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis and test statistic.
  • knowledge about order statistics and associated distributions,
  • Concept about non-parametric method and some important non-parametric tests.
  • Analyze statistical data using MS-Excel.

STAT-Sampling theory time series and index numbers And Design of Experiments, Vital Statistics (Theory+ Practical): Paper-V & VII

  • Understand the concept of sampling distribution of a statistic and its properties, difference between parameter and statistic.
  • Time Series properties and real life applications
  • Index numbers properties and its applications
  • Students learn to i) identify situations where one-way ANOVA is appropriate
  • ii) identify the degrees of freedom associated with each sum of squares, iii) Interpret an ANOVA table.
  • Official Statistics: CSO and NSSO
  • Business Forecasting.
  • Analyze statistical data using MS-Excel.

STAT- Quality, Reliability and Operations Research (Theory+ Practical): Paper-VI & VIII

  • Formulate and solve LPP, Assignment problems, Transportation problems. ii) solve the zero-sum-two person–game
  • Students are able to i) explain the different meanings of the quality concept and its influence.
  • Implement practical cases in operations research by using TORA.
  • Analyze statistical data using MS-Excel.

Total Faculty Members in Statistics department : 1

Sl.No. Photo Name Designation Profile
1 R Sri Lakshmi M.Sc Statistics Lecturer (Guest) Profile

Best Practices:

  •  To provide coaching for PG entrance.
  • Explaining concepts through working models.

At BJR Govt. Degree College, Narayanaguda, We are happy providing excellent education and molding the future generation ..

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