Sports Activities @ Govt. City College
Sports Department:
The Department of physical education has been constantly providing a number of opportunities for the aspiring young learners of the Institution. The department notifies information on various competitions and other activities well in advance to enable the student participation high and enthusiastic.
Latest Achievements of the Students:
- A number of students excelled in various games at University, State and National levels. A list is enclosed.
- One of the student wrestlers secured Bronze Medal at National Level competitions held recently.
- The college lifted Runners Cup at Inter University Tournament recently.
- Ms. Lakshmi, II year Math student represented the State of AP at the Republic Day Parade in 2009 and secured Silver Medal in Equestrian Competitions.
Recent Sports Activities @ City College
Ms Gouri and Ms Sireesha Bagged 17th Cadet National Fencing Championship
On 13th December 2022, Ms. K.Gouri and Ms. A.Shireesha of II B.A. won First place in 17th Cadet National Fencing Championship in Sebre held at Nashik, Maharashtra. These two students represent Telangana team. BJR GDC wholeheartedly congratulate Ms Gouri and Ms...
Mr. G.Shiva Karthik (III B.Com) won first place in Osmania University inter-collegiate Boxing tournament
On 13th December 2022, Mr. G.Shiva Karthik III B.Com won First place in Osmania University Inter-Collegiate Boxing tournament in 86 to 92Kgs weight category and selected to Osmania University Boxing team to participate in All India inter University tournament...
Mr Tharun and Mr Sankar selected for All India University Archery Tournament
9th December 2022, Mr. D.G.Tharn Kumar II B.A, and Mr. K.Sankar Patnayak I B.A, selected for all India Inter University Archery Tournament to be held at Chandigarh University. BJR GDC wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Tharun and Mr. K. Sankar for their future...
Mr Manikanta Bagged Gold Medal in Osmania University Inter collegiate Fencing (Foil) Tournament
Mr. Manikanta of B.A.2nd year student won Gold medal in Osmania University inter collegiate Fencing (Foil) tournament held at GHMC sports complex, Gosha Mahal and BJR GDC won Second in team championship. Congratulations to Mr Manikanta and Dr. Ravinder, Physical...
Students of BJR GDC participated in National Sailing Championship 2022
Mr. T.Ajay of B.A 1st year and Ms. R.Ashwini of B.A 1st year students participated in ILCA 6 class of boat at YAI Senior National Sailing Championship 2022 held at Indian Naval Watermanship Training Centre (INWTC(Mbi)) from13th to 20th November 2022. We...
Mr M.Sahadev (B.Com II Year) bagged Silver Medal in Boxing
Mr. M.Sahadev (B.Com II Year) Participated in 5th National Savate Boxing Championship 2022 and bagged Silver Medal in 85 Kg. Weight Category held at Nava Hindi Girls Senior Sec. Schools Auditorium, Karol Bagh, New Delhi. Congratulations to Mr M. Sahadev and Dr....