About our Principal

Dr C Manjulatha
Dr. C. Manjulatha madam took charge as a Principal, Government City College,Hyderabad on 8th of May 2013. She has 27 years of teaching experience and 2 years of industrial experience. Shee has obtained her degree from ** and Ph.D degree from ***. She feels that she is first a teacher then an administrator. She is completely dedicated and committed to her duties.
Being Principal she not only understands the needs of the the students of all age groups but also provides them all kind of support. She believes in providing a happy learning environment to nurture the creativity of the children so that they emerge as positive & forward looking happy individuals who can make a difference; and can be trained to face the challenges of this dynamic age. She demonstrates the ability to manage changes. She is easily accessible to staff students & parents. She is very supportive in school events & programmes. Her good communication skill motivates children to participate in all activities. She genuinely loves children & works hard for them.