On 15th May 2024, The Department of Social Sciences, Commerce and IQAC in collaboration with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) organized a seminar titled ‘Investor Awareness Programme’ on 15th May, 2024 at the Seminar Hall. The Principal madam, Resource Person, Head Department of Economics, Head Department of Commerce and Head Department of Public Administration are invited to the dais by the Head Department of Political Science Dr.C.Shanti madam. The Convenor of the Program informed about the SEBI & its functions.

The resource person is Smt.Selvam Padmavati. Madam in her lecture covered the ‘Role of SEBI’ in regulating the Indian Securities Market through which the audience gained a lot of knowledge about objectives of SEBI, power & function of SEBI, structures of Indian Securities Market, Securities Market frauds, steps taken by SEBI, madam also shared information on the best time to start investing and ‘How’ and ‘When’ should we start investing, discussed about the ‘Basics of Investment Depository Services’.

It was a successful and wonderful seminar by which the college received adequate knowledge about SEBI and stock markets.




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