Admission Process 
Transparency in the admission process

  • Publishes the Annual Prospectus

The College publishes Annual Prospectus during April/May each year which are distributed among the students who seek admission in the College.  The Prospectus contains the information on the courses offered, fee particulars, scholarship details, semester system of instruction and evaluation and other details of supporting activities.

  • Has active Website

The College has a dynamic website bearing the updated information.

  • Advertises in regional / national dailies

The admission details are published in local dailies.  Scrolling of the information on local channels is provided using the electronic media.
Selection Procedure
The students are selected for admission to various courses taking into their qualifying mark into consideration.  As per the norms laid down by the Government, selection is also done following reservation system in vogue.  The selection is also done through counseling method.

Strategies adopted to create equity

  • Disadvantaged-community (SC/ST/OBC)

On the normal lines, admission of students takes place following the reservation system.  The cut-off marks and other related parameters are considered as per the guidelines given by the Government.

  • Women

The strategy adopted to create equity and access to various courses for Women; the guidelines set by the Government are scrupulously followed by reserving 33 1/3% of the sanctioned seats.

  • Differently-Abled

As per the guidelines of the Government, 3% of seats are allotted for the differently-abled aspirants.  However, in the event of even performance in the qualifying examination, the percentage of disability is considered.

  • Economically-weaker sections of the Society

As per the norms laid down by the Government, students from economically-weaker sections of the society are allotted 25% of the sanctioned seats in each course.

  • Athletes and sports persons

5% of the seats are reserved for students who have distinguished themselves in sports, athletes and extra curricular activities, NCC and NSS.
The children of the Ex-servicemen and armed forces are allotted 1% of the sanctioned seats in each programme.

Course Combination Medium
B.A Economics-Political Science-Public Administration Telugu
History-Political Science- Office Management Telugu
History-Political Science- Tourism & Travel Management Telugu
Economics-Political Science-Computer Applications English
Economics-Mathematics-Statistics English
B.Com Regular Telugu
Regular English
Computer Applications English
Vocational (Tourism & Travel Management) English
B.Sc Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry Telugu
Mathematics-Physics-Chemistry English
Mathematics-Physics-Electronics English
Mathematics-Physics-Computer Science English
Mathematics-Electronics-Computer Science English
Mathematics-Statistics-Computer Science English
Botany-Zoology-Chemistry Telugu
Botany-Zoology-Chemistry English
Biotechnology-Zoology-Chemistry English
Biotechnology-Botany-Chemistry English
Biotechnology-Biochemistry-Chemistry English
Microbiology-Botany-Chemistry English
P.G Courses

Course Course Medium
M.Sc Mathematics English
Biotechnology English
Physics   English
M.A English   English
M.Com Tourism and Travel Management   English

1. Translation Studies.
2. Travel Agency and Tour Operations.
3. Journalism and Mass Communications.
4. Quality Control &Medical Lab Techniques
5. Insurance.
6. Advertising and Sales Promotion
7. Desktop Publishing.
8. Accounting Package (Tally).
9. Web Technologies.
10. PC-Software and Web Programming.
11. Spoken English.




1 Re-opening of the college after the summer vacation 01.06.2016
2 Commencement of II &III year Classes 06.06.2016
3 Commencement of I year Classes 01.07.2016
4 I,III,V Semester – I – Internal Test 27.08.2016 – 31.08.2016
5 I,III,V Semester – II – Internal Test 28.09.2016 – 01.10.2016
6 IHC,  Environmental Science and Science & Civilization 03.10.2016
7 Commencement I, III, V Semester Practical Exams 04.10.2016 to 08.10.2016
8 Last date of instruction for I, III, V Semesters 07.10.2016
9 Mid Term vacation 08.10.2016 – 30.10.2016
10 Commencement of I, III, V Semester Examinations 14.10.2016
11 Re-opening of college after Mid-Term vacation 31.10.2016
12 Commencement of classes after Mid Term vacation 07.11.2016
13 II, IV & VI Semesters- I – Internal Test 21.12.2016 – 24.12.2016
14 II, IV &VI  Semesters- II – Internal Test 01.02.2017 – 04.02.2017
15 Last date of instruction for II, IV & VI Semesters 04.03.2017
16 Computer Skills-I  &  HVPE – II 03.03.2017
17 Computer Skills – II  &  HVPE – I 04.03.2017
18 Commencement II/ IV/ VI Semester Practical Examinations & Project Viva 06.03.2017 to 18.03.2017
19 Commencement of II, IV & VI Semester Theory Examinations 20.03.2017
20 Last working day of the academic year 2016-17 13.04.2017
21 Summer Vacation 15.04.2017 – 31.05.2017
22 Re-Opening for the Academic year 2017-18 01.06.2017
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