Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College (A)

Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500029

Autonomous – Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad.

(Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade)

BJRGDC conferred autonomous status from 2024-2029

Two days International Seminar on


Green Trends - Pioneering Environmental Sustainability” on 19th and 20th March -2025 sponsored by Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), Hyderabad.

for Registration Click   for book brochure  Download Here


9th December 2022, Mr. D.G.Tharn Kumar II B.A,  and Mr. K.Sankar Patnayak I B.A, selected for all India Inter University Archery Tournament to be held at Chandigarh University. BJR GDC wholeheartedly congratulate Mr. Tharun and Mr. K. Sankar for their future endeavors.




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