Dept. of Zoology

Zoology Dept.

About the Department

The Department of Zoology was also established in 1974 along with the courses in science such as Botany, Zoology and Chemistry (BZC) both in Telugu and English medium. The Department started with  experienced, qualified, and skilled faculty. The  members attend seminars, workshops to  renew and enhance their  knowledge. The department organizes co-curricular activities every year in collaboration with various  academic bodies to make learning beyond the classroom and also arranges various Seminars, Workshops, Guest lectures, Field visits and Outreach programs for students  with an aim to expose the students to latest trends in various research fields. Recently from the academic year 2019-20 college has introduced different courses in life sciences  along with other zoology combinations such as, Microbiology, Biotechnology and Nutrition . Combinations with Computer sciences and Psychology  has  been introduced from the academic year 2020-21.


  • The vision of the Department of Zoology is to develop scientific temper among the students in animal science without destroying the nature and to train the students to take responsibility towards the preservation of nature.


  • To produce highly motivated graduates capable of making a significant contribution  towards sustainable development and well being of mankind
  • To provide advice and consultancy service in the field related to Zoology.

 Objectives of the department

The main objective of the department is to inculcate students interest in life sciences.

  • To provide quality education by offering skill based programs .
  • To motivate students for career in applied branches of Zoology.
  • To organize Zoology study tours and field trips to different places.
  • To provide multidisciplinary courses in Zoology.
  • To offer modular courses of lectures by conducting seminars


BSc courses Year




  1. Name of the Course:“ CELL DESIGNER”
  2. Department: Zoology
  3. Duration: of hours –1 No. of  days – 15


  1. Whether brochure containing details of curriculum,

assessment, procedures, etc., is enclosed? no


  1. Number of students enrolled: 20
  2. Whether list of students is enclosed? (Yes/No): Yes


Brief Report of the Certificate Course along with the outcome:


Objectives:   To enable the students software curses related to life sciences

To improve the software skills in life science students



Report:  The Ist and IIIrd year students attended the training classes and online classes for this course. They  went through some material on You tube  and listened to the classes. After attending classes for 15days.  An online exam was conducted and students came out with flying colors.

The exam was in online mode in collaboration with IIT BOMBAY .

●       Outcome: Students  learnt to use symbols representing BIOMOLECULES and preparing biological

o   Reaction in form of symbols

o   Our students developed skills to design the Enzymes




Sl. NO Course Code Course Title Course outcome
1 Zoo Code: BS105 Animal Diversity-Invertebrates  

CO1 Study  and identification of Invertebrates from Protozoa to Echinodermate
CO2 To differentiate the Canal system in sponges and Spicules. Polymorphism in Siphonophora
CO3 To describe the Parasitic Adaptations in Helminthes
CO4 To understand the Evolutionary significance of Coelome and Coelomoducts and metamerism. Pearl formation
CO5 Significance of Echinoderms larval forms
2 Zoo Code: BS205 Animal Diversity-Vertebrates  

CO1 Study and Identification of Vertebrates form Hemichordates to Mammalians
CO2 Study of Protochordates.
CO3 Differentiate  the Types of Scales and types of Fins
CO4 Understand Parental care in amphibian; neoteny and paedogenesis. Distinguish the characters of Poisonous and Non poisonous snakes
CO5 Patterns of Migration in Birds and Aquatic adaptations in Mammals
3 Zoo Core III Animal Diversity-Vertebratesand Developmental Biology  

CO1 To differentiate  between Urochordata, Cephalochordata, Cyclostomata
CO2 Understand Parental care in amphibian; neoteny and paedogenesis
CO3 Distinguish the characters of Poisonous and Non poisonous snakes. Rhynchocephalia.
CO4 Describe the dental formula  and Aquatic adaptations in Mammals
CO5 To understand the various stages of Developing of Zygote to Embryo
4 Zoo

Core IV

Cell Biology, Genetics &Evolution  

CO1   Understanding of Basic structure of Cell and Cell division
CO2 To have basic knowledge of Nucleic acids, process of protein synthesis.
CO3 To refresh the knowledge of Mendel’s Laws, sex linked inheritance ect.
CO4 To know more about Mutations leading  to Evolutions
CO5 The Causes and Role of Extinction in Evolution
5 Zoo


Physiology and Biochemistry  

CO1 To gain Knowledge of Animal Physiology and organelle functioning
CO2 Regulation of Heart rate –Tachycardia and Bradycardia
CO3 Importance Hormone action and concept of Secondary messengers
CO4 Functioning of Carbohydrates and  Classification
CO5 Significance of Protein and lipid Metabolism in Animals
6 Zoo



CO1 Definition, scope and importance of Entomology.
CO2 To create awareness about of Vectors and  the  public health importance
CO3 Helps to prevent Vector-borne diseases-(Malaria, Dengue, Filaria )
CO4 Students from agricultural background are benefited -Crop Pests and their control measures
CO5 Create occupation in Apiculture and Sericulture
7 Zoo


Immunology and Animal Biotechnology  

CO1 To know more about Immunity of ones own self
CO2 Working of Immune system in health and diseases
CO3 Importance of Vaccination in Infants and Adults
CO4 Concept and Scope of Animal Biotechnology
CO5 Importance of Transgenic animals and its Application

CO1 Brief  introduction of the aquatic biomes
CO2 To learn the environment and Fauna of Freshwater, Estuaries and Oceanic ecosystem
CO3 To observe Nutrient cycles of lakes.
CO4 Process of  Eutrophication and disadvantages.
CO5 Sewage treatment and water quality assessment in daily life
9 Zoo Core III Animal  Physiology and Animal behaviour  

CO1 To gain Knowledge of Animal Physiology and organelle functioning
CO2 Understand the mechanism and regulation of breathing, oxygen consumption and determination of respiratory quotient.
CO3 Importance Hormone action and concept of Secondary messengers.
CO4 Describe the dental formula  and Aquatic adaptations in Mammals
CO5 Understand  animals behave, where they get to know the behavioural patterns of different species of animals  to different types of stimuli. Social learning  and communication in animals. Biological rhythms
10 Zoo

Core IV

Cell Biology, Genetics & Embryology  

CO1   Understanding of Basic structure of Cell and Cell division
CO2 To have basic knowledge of Nucleic acids, process of protein synthesis.
CO3 To refresh the knowledge of Mendel’s Laws an problem solving, sex linked inheritance, chromosomal aberrations ect.
CO4 Develop critical understanding how a singlecelled fertilized egg becomes an embryo and then a fully formed adult by going through three important processes of cell division, cell differentiation and morphogenesis.
CO5 Know about types of eggs, Placenta and regeneration.
11 Zoo


Immunology and Animal Biotechnology  

CO1 To know more about Immunity of one’s own self . Types of immunity and how it fight against infections.
CO2 Concepts about  Major histocompatability and its significance in organ transplantation.
CO3 Importance of vaccines, Auto immunity and immunodeficiency disorders.
CO4 Concept and Scope of Animal Biotechnology as career.
CO5 Gain knowledge on cloning vectors, Recombinant DNA technology, transgenesis, stem cells and their applications.
12 Zoo



Zoogeography and Evolution


CO1 To know about Ecosystem,  biogeochemical cycles how it is effects life of animals on earth.
CO2 Effect of pollution  and its control measures.
CO3 Acquire knowledge about Biodiversity and Biodiversity Hotspots in India, and its Conservation.
CO4 Gain knowledge regarding the distribution of animals on Earth in different regions, the evolutionary history and relationship of the animals
CO5 Understand the Origin of Life, Evolutionary theories, Natural Selection and Speciation, causes and role of extinction in Evolution.


Total Faculty Members in Zoology department : 2

Sl.No. Photo Name Designation Profile
1 Y. Uma Msc Lecturer Profile
2 Reshma Begum M.Sc, B.Ed Lecturer (Contract) Profile

Major Accomplishments

The Department of Zoology in collaboration with RBVRR Women’s College is conducting Faculty and Student Exchange Program for the academic year 2020-2021.

The department of Zoology has mentored three students to deliver video lessons through TSAT Nipuna Live Telecast.


Student Name(s)

Topic Web Link

Pavani and Supriya

Migration In Birds

Anam Firdouz Carbohydrates

Awareness Programs Organized 

SNo. Program Resource Person Description
1 Cancer Awareness Program for Girl Students regarding Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Dr. M. Phani Bhusan, Scientist and Cancer Research Co-ordinator at ITRN, Attapur. Around 100 girl students of our college have participated in this awareness program organized during 10.02.2020.



  • Convener for Red Ribbon Committee
  • Member for Building maintenance committee
  • Member for Scholarship verification committee
  • Member for Bus pass renewal committee
  • Member for Bhagya committee
  • Member for Special fee committee
  • Member for Women empowerment cell
  • Member for Confederation of Indian Industry.

Reshma Begum

  • Member for Red Ribbon Club
  • Member for Ecoclub
  • Member for Science club
  • Member for Library committee

 PROJECTS (Student Study Projects)

  • Process of Respiration-Chick in its shell
  • Sewage treatment plan
  • Collection of feathers of different birds
  • Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Zika virus.
  • Different types of insects
  • Food adulteration
  • Arthropod Insect pest
  • Migratory fishes.



Sl. No Date of field trip Class Number of students visited Faculty Industry/

organization visited

Brief Report
1 20-11-17 Bsc, BZC  III year 15 Smt. J. Asha. Fish Feed Farm, Medak. Medak Fish feed farm is located in  the rural area of Medak. Fisheries department will provides technical assistance to fishermen/ fish farmer for the overcome of  diseases and other relevant problems. It supplies 100% grant of fish seed  throughout the Medak district.


  3.4.18 Bsc, BZC  I year 25 Smt. J. Asha. Nehru zoological park,   Hyderabad The Zoo park is located near Mir Alam Tank. The park is run by the  forest department , Govt of Telangana. It occupies 380 acers of land. There are nearly 100 species of Birds and animals.  It has a  wild life safari,  nocturnal house, Aquarium room, Dino Park, Butterfly park, tortoise house etc.
  9.10.18 Bsc, BZC  III year 16 Smt. J. Asha. Sericulture farm, Shadnagar Sericulture farming is the cultivation and farming of silk. it is situated at   Shadnagar.
  20.11.18 Bsc, BZC  III year 16 Smt. J. Asha. And Mrs. Mrudhula. SPVNR University of Veterinary science SPVNR  Telangana is a state university for Veterinary animal an fishery sciences, College of veterinary science, Rajendranagar
  7.11.19 Bsc, BZC  II year 27 Smt. Y.Uma and B. Ramesh Specimen museum, zoology department, Osmania university This zoology specimen museum is one of the biggest life science museums in Hyderabad containing specimens of rare species
  3.4.19 B.Sc. Life Science I year 50 Mrs. Y. Uma, Mrs. E. Sudha and

Mr.B. Ramesh

Nehru zoological park,   Hyderabad The zoo park is located near Mir Alam Tank. The park is run by the  forest department , Govt of Telangana. It occupies 380 acers of land. There are nearly 100 species of Birds and animals.  Its had wild life safari,  nocturnal house, Aquarium room, Dino Park, Butterfly park, tortoise house etc.
  29.12.21 B.Sc. Zoology II year 30 Y.Uma

Reshma Begum

Zoology Lab, RBVRR college, Narayanaguda Here students had  hands on training on some new physiology experiments.

The staff demonstrated  new experiments.

They interacted with the staff and students of

Reddy college here and  developed a rapport which improved their networking systems.


Seminars attended

Faculty who have Attended Natl./Intl. Seminars(last 5 years)

Sl. NO Faculty Seminar attented Date


Attended I day Orientation programme at National Institute of Nutrition(NIN)




Emerging Trends in Academic Publishing and Plagiarism – 13.7.20
“COVID 19 Impact on Environment and Human Health” held during Online International Conference On “Life Sciences: Acceptance of the New Normal – 27 and 28 August 2021
National symposium on Digital taranformation-


National Webinar Human Cytogenetics in Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders- 25.6.21


FDP programme on “Tools for Online Teaching, Learning, and Evaluation” 20-24 July 2020.


FDP programme on Digital teaching tools- 29.6.20 to 5.7.20
Breaking the Myths: Corona; The Right Approach 5.7.20

B. Ramesh

Attended National workshop on Bioinformatics and sequence analysis at Kakatiya University, Warangal on 26 to 28 April 2019


Attended seminar on World mosquito day at Sir Ronald Ross Institute of Parasitology 20-8-2019
Attended National conference on Technological challenges in Social, Environmental and Agricultural Reforms – Sep 9th and 10th 2017.


Reshma Begum District level Webinar on Mental Health practices during the Pandemic 09-05-2020
National Conference HEI’S Post-2020 Quality endures 21-05-2020
Webinar on Covid-19 online learning and empowering oneself by University College of Arts and Social Science,O.U,Hyd. 27-05-2020
National webinar on Skills to Success 27-05-2020
National webinar on Post-lockdown Academic Challenges in Higher Education, 28-05-2020
National webinar on India’s war against Covid-19 approach and gender Dynamics by University College of Arts and Social Science,O.U,Hyd. 31-05-2020
2 days FDP on Embedded IOT Technology 12-06-2020 to 13-05-2020
3 days FDP on Image processing segmentation and neural networks,health,awareness,design thinking for innovation 13-06-2020 to 15-05-2020
6 days FDP on Emerging trends in Cyber Security by CMR Institute of Technology 15-06-2020 to 20-06-2020
5 days FDP on Cyber Security by Sreyas Institute og Engineering and Technology in asociation with Supraja Technologies 19-06-2020 to 23-06-2020
One week FDP on Moodle Learning Management System 22-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
5 days FDP on Block Chain Technology Cyber Security-CMRIT 25-06-2020 to 29-06-2020
National webinar on Role of Public Institution in Combating Covid-19 A Social Justice Perspective 29-06-2020


Record of Extension lectures Organized

Date Class of students No of students attended Faculty involved Speaker Objectives
9.11.16 BZC  III year 20 Mrs. Asha Dr. P . Kavya,


Health refers to a person’s physical, emotional & psychological wellbeing. Hygiene refers to activities done to improve, preserve & maintain good health.
23.4.19 BZC  III year 30 Mr. B. Ramesh Dr. Achutha, Wise Principal, HOD Zoology, RBVRR College, Narayanaguda Aquatic Biomass are energy crops that do not complete with food crops for land & other resources. For example Algae & sea weeds are naturally characterized by a high degree of moisture.
17.4.19 BZC  III year 25 Mr. B. Ramesh Dr. Madhavi , Associate Professor in zoology, Nizams college.


Immunity is the ability of a person to fight against any infectious diseases. The immunity diseases from person to person. Immunity can be Inborn or Aquired.
10.2.20 Girl Students 45 Y. Uma

B. Ramesh

Dr. M Phani Bhushan, Scientist Cancer research coordinater.

ITRM Attapur

Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of cervix. Various stains of the human Paprillomox virus (HPV) a sexually transmitted infections. Play a role in causing most cervical cancers. Breast cancer typically forms in either the lobules/ducts of the breast.
13.5.20 BSc life science II year 26 Mrs. Y. Uma,  Mrs. E. Sudha


D. Jagadeshwarlu, Lecturer


Genetic disorders are the health abnormalities caused by 102 male irregularity in the genome sequence. It is also considered as an Inherited medical condition abnormalities in the D.N.A. These mutations can be due to environmental factors, radiations, etc.
June 24, 2021 BSc. Zoology

I year

35 Mrs. Y. Uma,  Dr. G Prasuna Solomon, lecturer in RBVRR college, narayanguda Respiratory system- comparative study
12.2.2022 Bsc Life science 55 Mrs Y. Uma &

Mrs. Reshma Begum

Mr. Ramesh, President, Vignana Darshini. Dawrinism: Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection falls into this category, making Darwin one of the most important thinkers of modern times. He helped to transform how people thought about the natural world and humans’ place within it.


Achievements (Faculty & Students)

Mana TV Presentation:

Our Students/Teacher telecast live presentation: Student as Teacher Programme

S/No Student Name Topic Group-Year Date
1 Supriya and Pawani Migration in birds Btzc I yr 18.9.19
2 Anam Firdouz Carbohydrates Anzc Iyr 22.01.20


SWOC Analysis


  • Highly motivated and dedicated staff in the department
  • Well- Equipped classrooms and labs
  • Location of the college in the heart of the city.
  • Good transport facility available.



Weakness –

  • Space restriction for further improvisation of labs
  • Research activity should be increased.

Opportunities –

  • They can start small scale industries such as Poultries , Sericulture , Apiculture Fisheries, Pearl culture, Aquaculture, Pisci culture.
  • College is well equipped with ICT Tools, so students can use these facilities to improve their technical skills.
  • Good career guidance.

Challenges –

  • To inculcate scientific temper among students.
  • To have collaboration with national research institutes and industries.
  • To enhance the skill based certificate courses for students.
  • To increase the confidence levels among students by improving

Extension Activities

Sl. No Date of the Activity Nature of the Activity



Class/ Faculty involved Organization/ Institution Objectives
1 8.12.21 Distribution of refreshments to orphan children Mrs. Y.Uma Community service
2 10.12.21 Extension lectures by students BSc Life science I year studenta

Faculty: Y.Uma

Govt. High School, Hyderguga. To inculcate the habit of community service in students
3 2.1.2022 Student volunteers Anam Firdouz  &


Teachers fest conducted by vignana darshini To increase their confidence and helping them mingle in the society


Departmental Activities

Sl. No Date of the activity Nature of Avtivity Class Organization/ Institution Faculty Objectives



7.9.17 Quiz Competition BSC, BZC  I Year students College


Smt. J. Asha


To brief the assessment in education and similar fields to measure growth in Knowledge and skills
2 25.11.17 General Health- Interactive session Bsc, BZC students By Dr. P. Krishna Mohan



Smt. J. Asha


Health is a state of physical and mental and merely  absence of any disease.


3 19.11.18 Blood Grouping and Haemoglobin Test. BZC Students SALUS Medical Diagnostic centre.


Smt. J. Asha


To check the Blood groups and to estimate the Haemoglobin levels in students
4 5.3.20 Poster presentation:

Spread and prevention of Corona virus

All Life Science students college Botany and zoology dept. To encourage student the habit of news paper reading.  Knowing about current affairs.



5 4.1.20 Dengue Awareness programme BZC Students College Mrs. Y.Uma

Zoology dept in collaration with bhagya committee

To bring awareness among students about the symptoms,  causes and effect of dengue fever.


6 February 4th 2021


  Induction class for 1 years


BSc Life science students College Mrs. Y.Uma .

Mrs. Reshma begum















 The concerned  lecturers of life science talked to the  students and  we gave information about the college campus, facilities in the college, about TASK. We told them about precautions to be taken  and covid norms to  be followed strictly in the college.


7 February 23th 2021 Health checkup and health awareness programme for students BSc. Life science students College Y. Uma

Reshma begum

8 28.2.21 Group discussion

Pros and cons of Covid vaccine

Life science 1st year College Y. Uma

Reshma begum

9 March 6th 2021


Science exhibition Bsc. Life science students College Y. Uma

Reshma begum

Celebration of science day
10 15.12.21


Student seminars and poster presentation on

“ Non communicable diseases”

In collaboration with NSS

Bsc Life science students College Y.uma

REshma Begum


National and International Commemorative Days/Events/ Festivals

Sl. No Name of the activity Date of the activity Faculty involved No. of students participated Class Objectives
1 Student Rally no“World AIDS Day” 1.12.18 Mrs. Asha 30 BZC students To show Solodarity to the millions of people living with HIV. To bring awareness among studetnts and the society to take safety measures ana prevent AIDS


2 World Malaria day- Essay writing competition 25.4.19  Mr. B. Ramesh 15 BZC Final year. To highlight the global  efforts to control Malaria, mobilize additional resource and empower the student.


3 Group Discussion on Importance of Wildlife Conservation ,World Forest Day 3rd March 2020 Mr. Y. Uma, Mr. B. Ramesh 25 BZC I year Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the world Fauna and Flora and its Theme is to

“ Sustain All Life On Earth”


4 World Sparrow day- Student rally and poster presentation 20-3-21 Y. Uma and Reshma Begum 50 BSc. Life science students To create an awareness in the  society about the need to save sparrows, the student of BJRGDC conducted a Rally around the college
5 Darwins Day

Guest Lecture

12.2.22 Y. Uma



55 Bsc Life science students Darwins day is celebrated to inspire people to refelect on the importance of scientific thinking .

To enchance their curiosity to find new things.

 Research and publications

Sl. No Topic Teachers Students Published in


Date of publication
1 Process of Respiration-Chick in its shell


Mrs. Y Uma, Lecturer in Zoology


P. Gnana Deepu,        N. SaiKumar,

G. Yadamma,

N. Sankeerthana,

K. Sushma



 Workshops and seminars Organized

Zoology department Record of Work Shop

Activity Work Shop
Name of the Department/Committee/ Cell which organized the Lecture/Talk


Date on which the Lecture/Talkwas organized


Topic Blood Composition
Class/Group of Students who attended


BSc BZC students
No. of Students participated 30
Names of the Faculty involved Smt.J. Asha


Institution/ organization conducting the programme  

Kamineni Hospital, Pathological lab.

Resource Person Lab Technicians


Abstract Blood is a one of the  body fluid which hashas four main components: Plasma, Red blood cells, White blood cells, and Platelets. Plasma constitutes about 55% of the blood and remaining are blood cells. Blood has many different functions, including: transporting oxygen, carbon dioxide to lungs, nutrients, hormones to the tissues. Therefore it is necessary to maintain the blood levels to a have healthy life.
Objectives Blood testing is done to know the following:

  1. Know the blood group
  2. Estimation of hemoglobin
  3. WBC count
  4. RBC count


Outcomes After testing we could help the students understand their health status. Anaemic students were advised to take better nutrient food to increase their blood levels. They understood the role of blood in normal functioning of the body and how to improve the blood composition.

Work shop on Women scientist

Activity Work Shop
Name of the Department/Committee/ Cell which organized the Lecture/Talk


Date on which the Lecture/Talkwas organized


Topic Women scientist
Class/Group of Students who attended


BSc science students
No. of Students participated 50
Names of the Faculty involved Mrs. Y.Uma

Mr. Reshma Begum


Institution/ organization conducting the programme  

Vignana darshini organization

Resource Person Mr. Ramesh and

Ms. Vijaya


Abstract Whenever we talk about any research mostly  the names of men scientists  come into picture. Not only students even the faculty doesn’t know much about the women scientist and their contribution to the society. So here on the event of Madam Curie birthday, the department organised this workshop. The speaker told about many incidents and stories of some of the women scientist and  the problems they faced to prove themselves. They gave  examples of scientists like Asima Chatterjee, Darshan  Ranganathan, Charusita Chakravarthy etc. They also enlightened us  with the  life of Madam Curie and all the scientists in her family.

They also clarified some superstitious myths  by  performing  the experiments  and relating it to science.

Objectives To promote science and scientific temper in society

The work shop was organized to develop research skills and to create awareness on the role of women in science and to eradicate superstitious belief system

To enhance the  confidence levels and improve the personality of the students.

Outcomes Students came to know about the women scientists, their discoveries and their contributions to  world of science and the society at large.

Through this they could understand that women deserve equal rights and opportunities as men, yet there are many challenges that a women has to face.


MOUs & Linkages

Organization with wich MOU is signed                 Year if signing MOU Duration List of actual activities under MOU Number of students/ teachers participated Under MOU
RBVR reddy college for women, Narayanaguda.


June 2020


2 years Faculty exchange programme

Conducting seminars, Webinars,

Workshops etc.


Students and staff of zoology department.


Date Class of students No of students attended Faculty involved Speaker Objectives
9.11.16 BZC  III year 20 Mrs. Asha Dr. P . Kavya,


Health refers to a person’s physical, emotional & psychological wellbeing. Hygiene refers to activities done to improve, preserve & maintain good health.
23.4.19 BZC  III year 30 Mr. B. Ramesh Dr. Achutha, Vice Principal, HOD Zoology, RBVRR College, Narayanaguda Aquatic Biomass are energy crops that do not complete with food crops for land & other resources. For example Algae & sea weeds are naturally characterized by a high degree of moisture.
17.4.19 BZC  III year 25 Mr. B. Ramesh Dr. Madhavi , Associate Professor in zoology, Nizams college.


Immunity is the ability of a person to fight against any infectious diseases. The immunity differs from person to person. Immunity can be inborn or acquired.
10.2.20 Girl Students 45 Y. Uma

B. Ramesh

Dr. M Phani Bhushan, Scientist Cancer research coordinater.

ITRM Attapur

Cervical cancer occurs in the cells of cervix. Various stains of the human Paprillomox virus (HPV) a sexually transmitted infections. Play a role in causing most cervical cancers. Breast cancer typically forms in either the lobules/ducts of the breast.
13.5.20 BSc life science II year 26 Mrs. Y. Uma,  Mrs. E. Sudha


D. Jagadeshwarlu, Lecturer


Genetic disorders are the health abnormalities caused by 102 male irregularity in the genome sequence. It is also considered as an Inherited medical condition abnormalities in the D.N.A. These mutations can be due to environmental factors, radiations, etc.
June 24, 2021 BSc. Zoology

I year

35 Mrs. Y. Uma,  Dr. G Prasuna Solomon, lecturer in RBVRR college, narayanguda Respiratory system- comparative study
12.2.2022 Bsc Life science 55 Mrs Y. Uma &

Mrs. Reshma Begum

Mr. Ramesh, President, Vignana Darshini. Dawrinism: Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection falls into this category, making Darwin one of the most important thinkers of modern times. He helped to transform how people thought about the natural world and mankind place within it.




Paper Appeared Passed Pass Percentage
Paper-VII 31 27 87%
Paper –VIII 31 29 93%


Result Analysis


Sl.No Paper Appeared Passed Pass Percentage
1 II 70 56 80%
2 IV 43 37 86%
3 VII 31 27 87%
4 VIII 31 29 93%



Sl.No Paper Appeared Passed Pass Percentage
1 III 67 41 61%
2 VII 37 37 100%
3 VIII 37 37 100%



Sl.No Paper Appeared Passed Pass Percentage
1 VII 66 62 93%
2 VIII 66 64 96%



BJR GDC students represented in State Level Jignasa Competitions

May 3, 2023

  The departments of Botany, Public Administration, Economics, Zoology and Computer Science have presented their study projects at State Level Jignasa competitions held at Government City College, Government Degree College,…

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Department of Zoology Observed World Sparrow Day

April 15, 2023

  On 23rd March 2023, the department of Zoology has observed World Sparrow Day and in this regard, the department has conducted seminars and power point presentations for Lifescience…

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BJR GDC Students Participated in Udbhava Program at Bhavan’s New Science College

March 6, 2023

  28.02.2023, On the occasion of National Science day, Students and staff of Science departments have participated in Udhbava program held at Bhavan’s college Narayanaguda.  

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Awareness Programme on Cancer

November 16, 2022

  On 16.11.2022, Bhagya Committee, Zoology and Microbiology departments in collaboration with ISKCON, Kukatpally organized a seminar on "Awareness Programme on Cancer". Mrs. Roma, Chief Coordinator, ISKCON, Mrs. Suhashini, Retd.…

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Bhagya Committee – Awarness Workshop on First Aid

May 31, 2022

  On 30.05.2022, an awareness workshop is organized by the Bhagya Committee and life sciences departments in collaboration with Dhanwantri Charitable Trust. Dr. Usha Rani, Director - Dhanwantri Trust, have…

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World Book Day, World Malaria Day and English Language Day Observed at BJR GDC

April 25, 2022

  On 25.04.2022, the department of Library has organized an essay writing and elocution competitions to the students on the occasion of World Book Day. The department of Zoology has…

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Science Day Fest 2022 at BJRGDC

March 9, 2022

  On 20.02.2022, the departments of sciences have organized various events on the occasion of National Science Day. Students have actively participated during the celebrations.

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Best Practices

Record of Best Practices

Department Zoology
Title of the Practice


Educational trip to Zoo- regularly
Goal To study the Habit and Habitat of the vertebrates, but seeing them naturally live.
The Context Part of the syllabus for I and II year students





To collect pictures of the animals

To gather the information regarding different species.

To note down point on their natural behaviour

Evidence of Success


Live images speak more then words.
Problems encountered Gathering students

Providing conveyance

Resources required N

Providing conveyance


Record of Best Practices

Department Zoology
Title of the Practice


Students visiting different labs







To look at the specimens available in the labs

To have hands on expericen on different lab equipments present in those labs

Demonstration of certain experiments


The Context Practical’s


Practice Experiencing the analysis by doing experiments.
Evidence of Success Could perform well in practical exams
Problems encountered Needed financial support
Resources required



Need to visit more research labs


Record of Best Practices

Department Zoology
Title of the Practice


Health check up camps





To bring awareness among the students about their health conditions.

To make them understand about the healthy life style and maintain it.

To know about the seasonal diseases.

Nutritional values of food which they take in their daily life


The Context To have a healthy life


Practice Reaching girls and advising them about their health issues.

Making student to have better nutritional foods.

Increasing in physical activity.

Better protection from diseases.

Evidence of Success




Making them healthy
Problems encountered Needed financial assistance
Resources required



External resources form different health departments.


Record of Best Practices

Department Zoology
Title of the Practice


Student study projects.





To gain extra knowledge about different topics outside their syllabus.

To develop scientific temper among students.

The Context A practice to pursue  higher studies  and research.
Practice Visiting different diagnostic centers.

Collection data.

Analysing data.

Contacting patients.

Evidence of Success



Students pursuing higher studies.

Students opting for medical courses in labs.


Problems encountered Trying and reaching labs and patients to gather information.
Resources required NeeVisiteing

Contacts with different laboratories and research centres’


Innovative Practices

Record of Innovative Practices

Department ZOOLOGY



Vaccination in children




To make students understand the importance of vaccines and also about different vaccine given to children at different ages.


Vaccines provide active immunity to infectious disease.

1 OPV  give at             6-10-14 weeks

2. IPV   ——–           14 WEEKS

3. BCG ———            give at birth

4. Rota virus vaccine —-6-10-14 weeks

5. Measels                       9-12 to 5 years

6. DPT    I & II                   16-24 months,   5-6 years

7  TT                                 10-16 years

8.  Hepatitis B                 at birth.





  1. Students were made to collect the vaccination chart/information from the children around their neighbourhood.
  2. Student  spoke to the parents of small children who haven’t taken proper vaccines. They explained the importance of vaccines as to how it protects them from many harmful infections.


Outcomes Vaccination is one of the most important factors to fight against various viral and bacterial diseases.




Record of Innovative practices

Department ZOOLOGY



Seasonal diseases





To make students aware of the seasonal diseases and how to protect them selves and their families from these diseases
Context 5 Major seasonal diseases are


Hepatitis B C



Swine flu






1.Student survey

2.Educating their families

3 giving information to Non science students.




Seasonal variations has an impact on the health of people as some disease are more prevalent in Rainy reasons as it a breeding season for  vectors like mosquitoes which carry these viruses. So it is necessary to take extra care of health and surroundings in these seasons


. Future Plan

  • To improve the lab facilities for students as the strength of the students is increasing
  • To arrange more Guest lectures in the future.
  • To give more study projects for students which are research oriented.
  • Plan to conduct Skill based Certificate courses.
  • To set up proactive and collaborative approach to enhance the departmental profile
  • Field trip to various industries to make a linkage with students for research work.

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