Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College (A)

Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500029

Autonomous – Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad.

(Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade)

BJRGDC conferred autonomous status from 2024-2029

Two days International Seminar on


Green Trends - Pioneering Environmental Sustainability” on 19th and 20th March -2025 sponsored by Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), Hyderabad.

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Sports and Games

The Department of physical education has been constantly providing a number of opportunities for the aspiring young learners of the Institution. The department notifies information on various competitions and other activities well in advance to enable the student participation high and enthusiastic.

Facilities provided for the students:

  • Twelve Station Multi gymnasiums
  • Flood-lit cement floor Basket Ball Court
  • Mini Stadium (Cricket & Football)
  • Indoor Games Hall
  • Shuttle Badminton Court
  • Kabaddi Court
  • Volley Ball Court
  • Activities of the department:

    • The Department is actively involved in academic and personal counseling of the students.
    • Batches are made and are involved in group discussion on various academic matters.
    • The mentor helps the students understand the organization dynamics.
    • Mentor helps the students set long-term career goals and short term learning objectives.
    • Feedback is obtained from each student for better programming.

    Highlights of the Department:

    The Department of Physical Education is by far one of the best platforms on the campus to encourage talent.
    The College has been sending national best Footballers for many years.
    Old Boys’ Association in coordination with the Department of Physical Education actively runs various Competitions regularly.
    Two students made a mark at National Level; one achieving Bronze Medal in Wrestling and the other a Silver Medal in Republic Day Equestrian Competition.


    The institution has two playgrounds one is a Basket Ball Court and the other big Stadium across the road with a seating capacity of 5000 spectators. These two play grounds are always buzzing with sports activity. Throughout the year, tournaments and other extra curricular competitions take place here. The college also has empty place on the southern side which will be used by the budding cricketers to catch up with their coaching.

    The college also has plans to go for extension of infrastructure with a proposal to bring up a building on the north western side looking towards the Musi River to accommodate more number of class rooms in future.

    The college has plans to provide a swimming pool for the use of faculty and students. Efforts are afoot to improve the existing indoor facilities on par with the latest indoor stadia in the country.
    The Institution has a big hall in the ground floor a part of which is used for Indoor games like table tennis, chess, carom board, snooker etc., and another part for Gymnasium where students do exercise regularly.




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