Dept. of Sanskrit

Sanskrit Dept.

About the Department:

Sanskrit is not just a language it is the essence of life called India. Sanskrit gives the divine message of world Peace to mankind. The department of Sanskrit started its journey right from its inception of the college  . Since its inception the department has engaged itself in popularising the study of Sanskrit language. Sanskrit is taught as a second language at the undergraduate level for the I, II, and also the III year students. The Principle focus of the department is to provide instruction at the undergraduate level. It follows the guidelines and the semester pattern designed by the department of Sanskrit, Osmania University. To promote and popularise the Sanskrit language the department organises various activities like Seminars, Student study projects, Listening to spoken Sanskrit etc. The department of Sanskrit enjoys the pride of show casing a rare collection of ancient manuscripts in Devanagiri Script preserved in the college library.


Sanskrit is the mother of most of the world languages and the department strives to promote Sanskrit at par with international languages.


  • To enable the students understand the scope and importance of Sanskrit language and literature.
  • To appreciate Classical writings and Literature.
  • To develop Aesthetic and Cultural values and live a virtuous life.
  • To compare the traditional wisdom with contemporary knowledge.


  • To enable students to develop a sense of respect towards the great works of ancient scholars.
  • To enhance the ability of the  students in understanding oral and written Sanskrit.
  • To make students read Sanskrit with correct pronunciation , articulation and intonation.
  • To sing or recite the verses as per their meters.



1 B.Com (C.A.) 3rd  YR 84
1 B.Com (C.A.) 2ND YR :64     1ST YR:  91
2 B.B.A. 2ND YR: 18       1ST YR:   20
B.B.A. 3rd  YR   11
3 B.Sc.(Phy.Science) 2ND YR:  89       1ST YR:   82
4 B.Sc.(Life Science) 2ND YR: 49       1ST YR:    96
5 B.A. 2ND YR: 19       1ST YR:   26
B.A. 3rd  YR 13



 Degree 1st year second language Sanskrit

1st semester

1st Unit:

  1. Mudabhishekthumvaradatvamarhasi ( valmikimaharshi)

2.Himalayonamanagadirajaha  (mahakavikalidasaha )

2nd Unit:

  1. Dharmabhaddodaovarikaha ( ambhikadatthavyasaha)
  2. Krutagnonastinishkritihi ( vishnusharma)

3rd Unit:

  1. Eshadharmasanathanaha( Subhashitani)
  2. Shabdhaha

4th  Unit:

  1. Sandhayaha
  2. Samskruthasambhashanaabhyasaha
  3. Samskruthasambhashanaabhyasaha

                              Degree 1st year second language Sanskrit

                                               2nd semester

1st unit:

  1.   Sakthuprastasyamahatvam ( vedavayasaha )
  2.    Buddhasyavairagyodayaha ( ashvaghoshaha )


2nd unit:

  1. Vaignanikabruhathsamhitha ( acharyapullelasriramachandrudu)
  2. Na Gangadatthahapunaretikupam( vishnusharama )

3rd unit:

  1. Daivasurasampathvibhagayoha ( vedavyasaha)
  2. Dhatavaha

4th unit:

  1. Samasaha
  2. Samskruthasambhashanaabhyasaha
  3. Samskruthasambhashanaabhyasaha


                                           Degree 2nd year second language Sanskrit

                                                           3rd semester

1st unit:

  1. PravarthatamPrakruthihitayaPartheevaha ( mahakavikalidasaha)
  2. Navrathani Acharya Ramulu

2nd unit:

  1. Shudrakavaishampayanayohosambhashanam (bhanamahakavi)
  2. Ramadasaha (sannidanamsuryanarayanashastri)

3rd unit:



                                      Degree 2nd year second language Sanskrit

                                                  4th semester

1st unit:

  1. ChitrapataDharshanam (bhavabuthimahakavi)
  2. Vivekananda vijayam (shredharabhaskaraVarnekaraha)

2nd unit:

  • Vishruthacharitham  (Dandimahakavi )
  • Dhruvopakyanam (p.v.kani )

3rd unit:

  1. Krundhatharuphani
  2. Samskruthasambhashanaabyasaha

                                   Degree 3rd year second language Sanskrit

                                                  5th semester

1st unit:

  1. Madhurophadeshaha (Ganga Devi)
  2. Alankaraha

2nd unit:

  1. Shishyanushasanam (Taitariya Upanishad)
  2. Bhramhashakthigariyasi (kenoupanishad)

3rd unit:

  1. Mahakavishastrakaravibhagaha

(Panini, kautilaya, bharathamuni, bharavi, magha,Shriharsha)

  1. Samskruthasambhashanaabyasaha

                                     Degree 3rd year second language Sanskrit

                                                      6th semester

1st unit:

  1. AvanthubhrathaprajahaSavsanthrabharthaprabham(shreebhasyamvijayshardhi)
  2. Alankaraha

2nd unit:

  1. Dakarakatha (bruhadarnayakopanishad)
  2. Nachikethopakyanam (katopanishad )

3rd unit:

  1. Mahakavishastrakaravibhagaha

(Aryabhata, bhaskaracharyaha ,kanadaha, shankaracharyahabhasahamarshavadhanaha )

  1. Samskruthasambhashanaabyasaha

Course Outcomes :

Sanskrit Second Language

Semester  -1

Unit 1:

According to this lesson student should learn Indian culture, traditions, ethics, integrity and aptitude.

Unit 2 :

student should learn to revere elders.

Student should know the authenticity of people.

Unit 3:

student should develop human nature and values to serve the society. Student should learn terminology in Sanskrit.

Unit 4:

student should learn grammar in Sanskrit. Students have the developed the comprehension of the significance of the language.

Sanskrit S.L

Saaraswathi sushama  I

Semester  – II

Unit 1:

students should learn the value of giving and the significance of aspirations desires and wishes.

Unit 2:

student should build the concept and learn the knowledge of planet system values of devotion and the issues related to astrology. Student should develop the habit of friendship and learn the importance of it.

Unit 3:

students must learn about the morals and ethics. Shouldn’t should be no about tenses in Sanskrit.

Unit 4:

should should learn about Sanskrit language glossary and the importance of Sanskrit speaking.

Sanskrit S.L

Saaraswathi sushama  II

Semester  – III

Unit 1:

shoot student should acknowledge the human relations values and the importance of health and well being.

Unit 2:

student should learn about the system of administration and the value of d divinity and the purity.

Unit 3:

students must know the value of teachers parents and elders and the contributions towards their life. Student must acknowledge the value of God.

Unit 4:

students should know about the writers efforts and their hard work. Students must be able to appreciate the beauty of language.

Unit 5 :

students must develop and learn about new words in the language and should know the importance of spoken Sanskrit.

Sanskrit S.L

Saaraswathi sushama  II

Semester  – IV

Unit 1:

students should acknowledge the relations and their cohesiveness. Students must learn about Swami Vivekananda and his motivational words.

Unit 2:

students should learn to save people in crisis situations and must develop personality.

Unit 3 :

students must be well aware about the duties and must learn etiquettes.

Unit 4:

student must aware himself or herself about writers and poems and must appreciate the beauty of language.

Unit 5:

students should know about grammatical world building and the importance of spoken Sanskrit.

Text Books

1.Student should learn about place and works of kalidasa

2.Student should learn about administrational rules.

3.Student should learn about Sanskrit words written pattern and framing of sentence


Total Faculty Members in Sanskrit department : 2

Sl.No. Photo Name Designation Profile
1 Neeraja Bolli M.A Sanskrit, B.Ed Sanskrit, (Ph.D) Lecturer (Guest) Profile
2 Thoutam Rajitha M.A Sanskrit Lecturer (Guest) Profile

Seminars and Workshops



1 20.12.2021 STUDENT SEMINAR  conducted by neeraja bolli Mrs Dr. RAMA LAXMI

Asst. Professor of Telugu  BJR GDC

46 Seminar about the great poets of sanskrit

samskrutha kavayaha  Seminar

As per the departmental activities Sanskrit department conducted a student seminar for B.Com students under the guidance of  language department HOD Mrs. Dr  RAMA LAXMI and faculty of Sanskrit department  In the seminar students presented the various topics  on  “  samskrutha kavayaha “ and nearly 46 students are actively participated in the seminar.

In the seminar students presented topics on various great Sanskrit poets  like



  • Language Department HOD Mrs. Dr RAMA LAXMI madam giving a brief introduction about great Sanskrit poets.
  • Student Jana Krishna from presented a topic on the great poet  Bharathamuni  profile and his  contributions to Sanskrit
  • Krishna Priya from B.Com presented a topic on the great poet  BHARAVI poet profile and his writings like “Kirathaarjuneyam”


    • To explain about great poets in Sanskrit.
    • To recognize their contribution to the Sanskrit language.
    • To understand the greatness of the Sanskrit language.
    • To make the students to develop comprehensive ideas in Sanskrit literature.


At BJR Govt. Degree College, Narayanaguda, We are happy providing excellent education and molding the future generation ..

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