Ask per the directions of the state NSS Cell, Higher Education Department, Government of Telangana, the two NSS units in collaboration with Red Ribbon club of Babu Jagjivan Ram Government degree College organized NSS and RRC orientation programme on 30.03.2022. The programme began with opening remarks given by Dr. P.V. Geetha Lakshmi Patnaik, Principal of the college. Madam has enlightened the students on importance and role of NSS volunteers in bringing awareness on AIDS. Vice Principal Smt.S. Radhika madam, inspired the students by explaining the importance of community engagement and the role of NSS volunteers in controlling AIDS.

Smt.Y.Uma, Convener of the Red Ribbon Club explained the vision and mission of RRC. Sri.T.J.P.S Vardhan Senior consultant of SIDUR-NGO ( Society for Enlightened Development in Urban and Rural Areas) spoke on social and psychological stigma attached with AIDS.

Mr.Srinivaschary, Project manager of SIDUR explained about the major ways of spreading of AIDS and the importance of how to treat the affected persons and suggested the students not to practice  social ostracism  towards them. He further explained the responsibility of the youth, especially NSS students in promoting awareness on AIDS. Sri Linus, counsellor of SIDUR, counseled the students regarding prevention and protective measures to be taken.

NSS Programme officers Dr.H. Kishan and Dr. V.V. Mallika proposed vote of thanks in the programme.

Student Activities organised:

  • Students Rally on prevention of AIDS.
  • Banners with prepared and displayed by the students.
  • Posters and slogans were prepared and displayed by students.




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