Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College (A)

Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500029

Autonomous – Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad.

(Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade)

BJRGDC conferred autonomous status from 2024-2029

Two days International Seminar on


Green Trends - Pioneering Environmental Sustainability” on 19th and 20th March -2025 sponsored by Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), Hyderabad.

for Registration Click   for book brochure  Download Here

Dept. of Chemistry

Chemistry Dept.

About Us

The BJR Government Degree College was established in the year 1974. The Dept. of Chemistry was established in 1974 along with the courses in science such as Botany, Zoology and Chemistry (BZC) & Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry (MPC) combination. The Department is very proud to have the faculty members in various Board of Studies members and examiners for different universities and colleges. The faculty continuously upgrade themselves in ICT teaching methodologies by attending different FDPs and orientation programmes for the benefit of students. The department students are seriously involved in curriculum enrichment programs and are guided by the faculty for student study projects every year. The Department feels very much proud to be the 1st Department of the BJRGDC Narayanaguda to achieve Commendable Prize in JIGNASA-Student Study Projects -Chemistry in the academic year 2018-19. The Department appreciates the meritorious students who are selected for MSc Chemistry. The Department also financially supports the students as a part of extension work. Each year minimum one certificate course is offered to impart skillful conceptual learning among students.


To ignite the young minds, discover their talents, so as to produce graduates of distinction, pledged to integrity, professionalism and life -long learning with a depth in content, through dedication to teaching, commitment to students and innovative, instructional methods.


  • To cater to  the needs of pharmaceutical , dye, polymer and Agro-chemical industries.
  • Development of best resource students as entrepreneurs, excellent and innovative  teachers.
  • To develop , enhance and improve the quality of human resources in chemistry for the universal welfare.
  • To develop innovative students to address the current problems in the science field.


The Department has been taking keen interest for the development of the Student in all the possible aspects by formulating the following objectives:

  1. To incorporate the essentials and basic elemental chemistry by taking seminars, guest lectures and remedial classes.
  2. To help the weak students to overcome the barriers of illiteracy and inferiority complex and to be able to compete with surroundings.
  3. To help out the students in difficulties facing during the practical and theory classes in science field.
  4. The Department motivates the students in research field by involving them in study project.


Programmes/Courses Offered 
  • The Department offers UG-BSc -CHEMISTRY programmes in English medium

          Program outcomes and Program Specific outcomes

S.No Programs Offered Program Outcomes Program Specific Outcome
1 MPC, MEC ⮚               Objective:

1.   To inculcate enthusiasm in the core subjects Math’s, Physics & Chemistry and Maths, Economics and Chemistry along with the languages to meet the curriculum designed by University.

Outcome: 1.Generating students with overall skill ability catering wide career opportunities globally and also meeting the requirements of industries.

2.Advanced        learning

techniques  for students

PSO1.Advanced learning techniques for students aiming to be a part of various research institutes of Chemistry,Mathematics and Physics were carried out by each of the science faculties.


aiming to be a part of various research instituteswere carried out by each of the

Science faculties.

2 BZC , ANBC, ANZC, BtBC, BtZC, MBCZ ⮚               Objective:

1.To inculcate enthusiasm in the core subjects Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Applied Nutrition, Biotechnology & Chemistry along with the languages to meet the curriculum designed by University.

⮚                    Outcome: 1.Generating students with overall skill ability catering wide  career opportunities globally and also meeting the requirements of industries.

2. Advanced learning techniquesfor students aiming to be a part of various research institutes were carried out by each of the science faculties.

PSO1.Advanced learning techniques for students aiming to be a part of various research institutes of Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Applied Nutrition, Biotechnology and chemistry were carried out by each of the science faculties.


Semester Paper Theory and Practical Title Contact Hours per week Max. Marks Credits
I Paper – I Theory Chemistry-I 4 100 4
Practicals – I 3 50 1
II Paper – II Theory Chemistry-II 4 100 4
Practicals – II 3 50 1
III Paper – III Theory Chemistry-III 4 100 4
Practicals – III 3 50 1
IV Paper – IV Theory Chemistry-IV 4 100 4
Practicals – IV 3 50 1
V Paper – V A (DSE) Theory Spectroscopy and chromatography 4 100 4
Practicals – V A 3 50 1
Paper – V B (DSE) Theory Mettallurgy, Dyes and Catalysis 4 100 4
Practicals – V B 3 50 1
GE – I Theory Advanced Chemistry 4 100 4
VI Paper – VI A


Theory Medicinal Chemistry 4 100 4
Practicals – VI A 3 50 1
Paper – VI B (DSE) Theory Agriculture and Fuel Chemistry 4 100 4
Practicals – VI B 3 50 1
Project Work/ (Optional)Nan

o Science

Experiment/Theor y 4 100 4
Total credits 56




Course Code: BS106


On completion of this course, the students will be able to:


S1-CO1: Students will learn the basic knowledge of s,p groups of Periodic table and able to differentiate between polar and non polar covalent bonding. Identify each atom in a polar bond as having a partial negative charge or a partial positive charge. Compare the relative polarity of two or more polar bonds.

S1-CO2: Recall the structures, the properties, applications, and the chemical reactivity of the s & p block elements. Differentiate the different allotropes of the s & p block elements. Derive the structure of compounds of the s & p block elements.

S1-CO3: Students will learn the basic knowledge of bond polarization acidity & basicity & stability of reactive intermediate of different hydrocarbons can be determined.

S1-CO4: Understand physical &chemical reaction of aliphatic hydrocarbon and aromatic hydrocarbon and the aromaticity of aromatic compounds can predict by Huckel’s rule.

S1-CO5: From this portion students can acquire background knowledge about the Synthesis and chemical reactivity of alkanes, Mechanism of free-radical halogenation of alkanes,alkene and alkyne.

S1-CO6: Students will understand the terminology Black body radiation, heat capacities of solids, Rayleigh Jeans’s law, Planck’s radiation law, photoelectric effect, Limitations of classical mechanics, Compton Effect, de Broglie’s hypothesis.

S1-CO7: Students will acquire Knowledge about van der Waal’s equation and critical state. Derivation of relationship between critical constants and van der Waal’s constants.

S1-CO8: Understands how to determine viscosity using Ostwald viscometer and acquire knowledge about Azetrope mixtures.

S1-CO9: By considering principles of solubility product & common ion effect cation can be discriminated by anions in a salt mixture.

S1-CO10: From this portion students can acquire thorough background knowledge about the qualitative analysis of special elements.

S1-CO11: Classify stereoisomer’s based on symmetry criteria and energy criteria. S1CO10: Interpret E/ Z Configuration.

S1 CO12: Predict the Conformations of simple organic molecules.

S1 CO13:  Learn about determination of Bragg’s equation in various crystal structures & by qualitative analysis one can determine the weight of chemical substance.





On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S2-CO1: To understand the physical and chemical properties of oxides Oxy- acids of p elements.

S2-CO2: Defines Structure, bonding and reactivity of Xenon – Oxides, Halides and Oxy-halides and Acquire knowledge about clatherate compounds.

S2-CO3: Explore the methods of preparation and properties of halogen compound and one can express the stereochemistry of SN1 &SN2 reactions.

 S2-C04: Explore the methods of preparation and properties of alcohols, ethers and carbonyl compounds and current applications.

S2-C05: From this portion students can acquire thorough knowledge about the synthesis of carbonyl compounds and their reactivity.

S2-CO6: Acquire knowledge on Hittof’s method, Kholrausch law, Arrhenius theory, Ostwald dilution law, DebyeHuckle Onsager equation and predicts its applications. Accomplish the Nernst Equation, EMF of a cell, Single electrode potential, Standard hydrogen electrode, and electrochemical series.

S2-CO7: Understand the basic principle of titrations and indicators used for different types of titrations

S2-CO8: Classify stereoisomer’s based on symmetry criteria and energy criteria. Interpret Rand S configuration, D/L Nomenclature.

S2-C09: From this portion students can acquire knowledge about the EMF and Colligative properties of solution.





On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S3 CO1: From this portion students can acquire knowledge on properties of f-block elements and non-aqueous solvents

S3CO2: Learn about the postulates and limitations of Werners theory, Sidwick’s and VBT theory. Acquire knowledge on the IUPAC Nomenclature and solve the EAN of coordination compounds.

S3CO3: Learn to Categorise the Organometallic compounds of Li Mg Al and Metal carbonyls.Dicuss its applications.

 S3CO4: Understand the preparation methods and its synthetic applications in industry of carboxylic acids and carbanions.

S3CO5: .Have an idea on all named reactions and mechanisms of carboxylic acids and nitro hydro compounds and focus on its industrial applications.

S3CO6: Have an extensive knowledge on Thermodynamics with reference to different Thermodynamic functions, processes, work of expansion and laws of Thermodynamics

S3CO7: Understand the applications of Thermodynamics in basic sciences for deriving equations, in engineering science for calculating efficiency of machine and evaluation of spontaneity of process. Learn to derive the equation of spontaneity, Gibb’s equation and Maxwell’s relations.

S3CO8: Students learn about the mathematical data, accuracy, precision & error can be explained.

S3CO9: Design the Phase equilibria of one component and two component system, ,compound with congruent and incongruent melting point.





On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S4CO1: Understand the theories of coordination compounds and stability of metal complexes.

S4CO2: Know about the Biological significance of essential elements and toxicity of heavy metals

S4CO3: Compare the property and reactivity of different class of amines and design the synthesis pathway of different organic compounds using amines

S4CO4: Classify heterocyclic compounds and compare their aromatic character amd reactivity

S4CO5: Develop concept on reaction kinetics with special reference to factors influencing the rate and evaluate the merits of different theories of reaction rate.

S4CO6: Learn to analyze the consequences of light absorption with reference to various photo physical processes and photochemical reactions with normal and abnormal quantum yield.

S4CO7: Students will learn the Theory of Quantitative Analysis.







On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S5CO1: Know about electromagnetic radiation and understand the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with molecules – various types of molecular spectra

S5CO2: identify the usage of different spectroscopic methods to find the structures, molecular formula, proton nature, Functional group Identification, Unsaturated system, Molecular Weight, Determination of Bond Length.

S5CO3:To understand the principle of NMR spectroscopy and interpretation of spectrum CO5: Acquire the knowledge of mass spectrometry for the analysis of given sample

S5CO4: Gain the knowledge of principle and methods of solvent extractions

S5CO5: Understand the classification of methods of chromatographic techniques, nature of adsorbents and solvent systems

S5CO6: Analyse the given compounds.





On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S6CO1: Students will learn about the concepts of inorganic reaction mechanisms

S6CO2: Understand the structures of Boranes and Carboranes

S6CO3: Students Classify stereoisomer’s based on symmetry criteria and energy criteria.

S6CO4: Understand the pericyclic reactions

S6CO5: Understand the Importance of polymers

S6CO6: Know about the  types of Electroanalytical methods.

S6CO7: Analyze the principles, types of electrodes used and applications of Potentiometry, Voltametry and Conductometry.






On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

S6 CO1: Recalling Infective and hereditary diseases.

S6CO2: Know about the terminology in medicinal chemistry and Nomenclature of Drugs.

S6CO3: Understand ADME of Drugs.

S6CO4: Acquire the knowledge of mechanism of action of drugs and factors effecting action of Enzyme and Receptors.

S6CO5: Evaluate the Synthesis and therapeutic activity of Drugs related to Chemotherapeutics, acting on metabolic disorders and acting on nervous system.

S6CO6: Analyzing the function of molecular messengers and health promoting drugs



1 Water Analysis and Preventive Measure for Water borne diseases in urban areas 2015-16


2 Water Analysis and Preventive Measure for Water borne diseases in urban areas 2016-17


3. Water Analysis and Preventive Measure for Water borne diseases in urban areas 2017-18


4 Chem Drawing Skills & It’s applications 2018-19


5 Making of Detergent Powder, Flavoured Soaps, Phenyl, Shampoo 2019-20


6 GChemPaint 2020-21  





Total Faculty Members in Chemistry department : 3

Sl.No. Photo Name Designation Profile
1 G Vijaya Jyothi MSC,MEd,SET Lecturer Profile
2 D.PRAKASH M.Sc, B.Ed Assistant Professor Profile
3 Dr. A. Santoshi M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant Professor Profile


1 G.Vijaya Jyothi International webinar on “past,present and future scenario of Covid-19 infections by department of chemistry,GDC,Khairthabad on 06.03.2021 2021
2 G.Vijaya Jyothi Online  FDP on “effective E-content Design” by Kristu Jayanthi college,Bengaluru” on 11th&12th june,2020 2020
3 G.Vijaya Jyothi online one week FDP on “Entrepreneurship,Incubation and Innovation” by Teaching learning center,Ramanujam college,University of Delhi from 23/06/2020 to 29/06/2020. 2020
4 G.Vijaya Jyothi online short-term course on “Soft Skills:Teaching for excellence” by UGC-HRDC & RUSA,Osmania University,Hyderabad on 06/07/2020 to 11/07/2020.  2020
5 Dr.A.Santhoshi Short Term Course on FDP “online teaching, learning &

assessment in higher education. University College For Women

(Autonomous) Koti, Hyderabad – 095. 25/06/2020 to 01/07/ 2020.


6 Dr.A.Santhoshi Online Short Term

Course on I C T Tools In Higher Education- Ugc Hrd & Rusa

Osmania University, Hyderabad-12.8.2020 to 19.8.2020.


7 Dr.A.Santhoshi  

One Day webinar on Research and Publication held on 17th June 2020 organized by Research committee-IQAC, SNVMV.



8 Dr.A.Santhoshi International Conference-Emerging Trends in Spectroscopic Techniques And their Applications at

University College for Women, Koti, Osmania University presented paper on Topic

“Facile Synthesis, Spectral analysis and Cytotoxicity of Novel Baylis-Hillman Derived 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives”-2018


9 Dr.A.Santhoshi UGC Sponsored Refresher Course UGC HRD ECentre, Osmania University, Hyderabad -13-11-2019 to 26-11-2019.


10 Dr.A.Santhoshi


Attended One-day Orientation Programme on “Contributor Personality Training” Organised by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education , Telengana, Hyderabad in collaboration with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (VIHE), Hyderabad on 26-03-19

Attended One-day Orientation Programme on “Contributor Personality Training” Organised by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education , Telengana, Hyderabad in collaboration with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (VIHE), Hyderabad on 14/9/2018

11 Dr.A.Santhoshi


Oneday International Symposium on Recent Trends in Chemical Biology- RDCC, Osmania University-28th Nov 2018 2018
12 D.Prakash


 International Conference-Emerging Trends in Spectroscopic Techniques And their Applications at University College for Women, Koti, Osmania University 2018
13 D.Prakash


Attended One-day Orientation Programme on “Contributor Personality Training” Organised by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education , Telengana, Hyderabad in collaboration with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (VIHE), Hyderabad on 14/9/2018 2018
14 G.Vijaya Jyothi Attended One-day Orientation Programme on “Contributor Personality Training” Organised by Commissionerate of Collegiate Education , Telengana, Hyderabad in collaboration with Vivekananda Institute of Human Excellence (VIHE), Hyderabad on 14/9/2018 2018


Dr.A.Santhoshi Poster presentation on Topic” Nanotechnology and its application in crime science investigation-A review-one day national seminar “ Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology” Keshav memorial arts and science college, narayanguda, Keshav memorial arts and science college, narayanguda, Hyderabad on 14th February 2020.



Dr.A.Santhoshi Participated in one day workshop on pharmaceuticals as generic elective course on 29th February 2020 Department of chemistry, GDC, Kukatpally, Medchal,


Department of chemistry, GDC, Kukatpally, Medchal,


Dr.A.Santhoshi Poster presentation on topic” The contribution of Indian women scientists and their excellence in the field of chemical sciences in One day national seminar on recent advances in chemical sciences”(RACS-2020)



February 2020.




RUSA-TSCHE , GDC, Wanaparthy-T.S.


Dr.A.Santhoshi One day International Symposium on Recent Trends in Chemical Biology- RDCC, Osmania University-28th Nov 2018.


RDCC, Osmania University-28th Nov 2018 RDCC, Osmania University-28th Nov 2018
Dr.A.Santhoshi Poster presentation in International Conference on emerging trends on spectroscopic techniques and their application ETSTA-2018, University college for women, Koti, Osmania University.- 3rd and 4th December 2018 University college for women, Koti, Osmania University.- 3rd and 4th December 2018
G.Vijaya Jyothi Presented paper at  one day national seminar on “Biodiversity for sustainable life “


Incollabation with Telangana State biodiversity Board



●       On 12 Apr 2016 at University college of science, Saifabad.







Poster presentation at

Two day national seminar on “sustainable pulses”

UGC ●       On 21&22 nd Oct 2016 at Univ. college for Women, koti,Hyderabad.


Paper presented at Two day seminar on “Innovations and developments in emerging research trends of chemical science &technology


●       29th&30th December-2016,at Tara Govt.Degree&P.G.College,Sangareddy


One day national level workshop

Virtual learning an innovative path towards ICT Teaching

Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kerala & CCE, Telangana Attended
D.Prakash  International Conference-Emerging Trends in Spectroscopic Techniques And their Applications University College for Women, Koti, Osmania University Attended


Every year the Department arranges extension / guest lecturers for the benefit of the students. During this academic year the following extension lectures are arranged.

Name of Speaker Designation & Address Topic Date
Smt.Surekha Asst.Prof, GDC(W), Begumpet, Hyderabad. Cycloalkanes 10-12-2015
Smt.Uma Devi Assistant Professor, GDC(W), Begumpet, Hyderabad. Subtitution Reactions in Octahedral Complexes 11-12-2015
Smt.Pranitha Assistant Professor, GDC(W), Begumpet, Hyderabad. NMR-Spectroscopy 14-12-2015
Dr. E.Yadaiah Assistant Professor, GDC, Khairatabad, Hyderabad. Chemical Kinetics 14-12-2015
Dr.V. D. Shukla BJR GDC, Bazarghat, Hyderabad Diel-Alder raection 15-12-2015
Dr.K.Rama Rao Assistant Professor, Govt. City College, Hyderabad. Organic Reaction Mechanism 25-08-2016
Dr Nampally Srinivasa chary Senior Scientist , A.C.IMMUNE, Switzerland Scope of chemistry in various ultra modern developments like electronics, material science. 2017-18
Dr.Kanchanalatha Asst.Prof of physics Motivation of Girls Students towards Higher Studies 2017-18
Dr.Swaroopa Rani , University College for Women, Koti, Hyderabad. NMR Spectroscopy 2018-19
Smt.K.Saritha rani Assistant Professor, GDC(W), Begumpet, Hyderabad. Chromatographic Techniques 2019-20
Dr. Pranitha Assistant Professor, GDC(W), Begumpet, Hyderabad. UV-Visible Spectroscopy 2019-20
Dr. V. Jayathirtha Rao Emeritus Scientist,IICT, Hyderabad Luminescence and Real time Applications 2020-2021
Dr.ViplavDutt Shukla Assistant Professor, Govt.CityCollege, Hyderabad. Creative Thinking in Chemistry 2020-2021


Name of the Department Chemistry
Date of Field Trip/ Industrial Visit 16/12/2021
Class BSC Life sciences/Physical Sciences
No. of Students visited 30 Students
Names of the Faculty D.Prakash, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Name of Industry/Organization visited Bharat Dynamics Limited

A Govt Of India Enterprise, Ministry Of Defence



Brief Profile of the Industry/Organization Headquartered in Hyderabad, Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), was incorporated on 16 July, 1970 as a Public Sector Undertaking under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India to be the manufacturing base for guided missile systems and allied equipment for the Indian Armed Forces.Since its inception, BDL has been working in collaboration with DRDO & foreign Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) for manufacture and supply of various missiles and allied equipment to Indian Armed Forces.


2. The lead taken by the Nation to develop indigenous, sophisticated and contemporary missiles through the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP), gave BDL an opportunity to be closely involved in the programme, wherein it was identified as the Prime Production Agency. This opened up a plethora of opportunities to assimilate advanced manufacturing and programme management technologies and skills.


Objective of the Trip/Visit ●        Zeal to excel and zest for change

●        Integrity and fairness in all matters

●        Respect for dignity and potential of individuals

●        Strict adherence to commitments

●        Ensure speedy response


Outcome of the Trip/Visit ●        Foster learning,creativity and teamwork



1 2015-16 A.Vasantha Determination of Caffein In tea leaves
  1. Uzma Sultana/BZC-III/ 1070-14-445-018
  2. TaheraSiddique/BZC-III/1070-14-445-017
  3. Amtul Mohsin/BZC-III/1070-14-445-015
  4. Saba/BZC-III/1070-14-445-009
2. 2015-16 A.Dayanand Saponification of Oils & Fats
  1. Sara Fatima/BZC-III/ 1070-14-445-001
  2. Parveen Begum/BZC-III/1070-14-445-020
  3. Yasmeen Begum/BZC-III/1070-14-445-024
  4. Zakiya Begum/BZC-III/1070-14-445-021
3. 2015-16 V.D.Shukla Study of Isolation & Quantification of the Casein present in Different samples of milk
  1. A.Prameela/BZC-III/ 1070-14-445-501
  2. Meghana/BZC-III/1070-14-445-023
  3. Prathyusha/BZC-III/ 1070-14-445-012
  4. Archana/BZC-III/1070-14-445-011
4 2016-17 All Side effects of Cold Drinks
  1. Uzma Sultana/BZC-III/1070-14-445-018
  2. 2.ParveenBegum/BZC-III/1070-14-445-020
  3. Zakiya Begum/BZC-III/1070-14-445-021
5 2016-17 All Spectral analysis All final year Students
6 2017-18 A.Dayanand Prevalence of Kidney Failure in Telangan Correlation with silica content in drinking water
  1. G.Sneha/III/1070-16-445-510
  2. A.Chandu/II/1070-17-445-001
  3. B.ShivaKrishna/III/1070-16-445-005
  4. B.Prem Kumar/III/1070-16-445-003
  5. G.Nikitha/III/1070-16-445-004
7. 2018-19 Dr.A.Santhoshi A Novel approach for the development of Latent finger Print by Iodine-Solvent Method in Crime Science
  1. N.Poojitha/MPC-I/1070-18-441-037
  2. K.Bhuvanesh wari/1070-18-441-018
  3. Omkaar/i/1070-18-445094
  4. P.Prathibha/I/
  5. B. Srilatha/III/1070-17-445-004
8 2018-19 G.vijaya Jyothi Chemical Analysis of Cold Drinks available and impact on the body
  1. G.Preethi/III/107016441-013
  2. B.Prem Kumar/1070-16-445-003
  3. K.Kotesh/III/1070-16-441-016
  4. Somnath/1070-16-445-522
  5. B.Naveen/1070-16-441-008
9 2019-20 G.Vijaya Jyothi Noble Prizes in Chemistry
  1. K.Shravan/III/1070-17-441-017
  2. Y.Ganesh/III/1070-17-441-049
  3. N.Mounika/III/1070-17-441-030
  4. K.Shravani/III/1070-17-445-013
  5. R.Ashwini/III/1070-17-445-521
10 2019-20 G.Vijaya Jyothi List of Ores & Availability of Metals present in ores
  1. K.Harikrishna/II/1070-17-441-018
  2. P.Gnana Deepu/II/1070-18-445-080
  3. P.Ravinder/II/1070-18-445-078
  4. K.Sushma/II/1070-18-445-057
  5. N.Sankeerthana/II/1070-18-445-071
11 2019-20 D.Prakash Various Crystal Lattice Shapes.
  1. D.Vasavi/II/1070-18-445-025
  2.  S.Veena Kumari/II/1070-18-441045
  3. N.Poojitha/II/107-18-441-037
  4. H.Nandini/II/1070-18-445-043
  5. J.Shirisha/II/1070-18-445-048
12 2019-20 D.Prakash Chemistry in everyday life
  1. R.Prashanth/II/1070-18-441-044
  2. Chandan/II/1070-18-441-007
  3. J.Satish Kumar/II/1070-18-441-015
  4. Vidyasagar/II/1070-18-445-104
  5. K.Sushma/II/1070-18-445-057


13 2019-20 Dr.A.Santhoshi Preparation of Natural Soap for Domestic Purpose
  1. B. Srilatha/III/1070-17-445-004
  2. G.Ranjitha/III/1070-17-445-006
  3. Prathibha/III/1070-17-441-034
  4. A.Chandu/III/1070-17-445-001
  5. M.Srikanth/III/1070-17-445-018
14 2019-20 Dr.A.Santhoshi Introducing ChemDraw tool at UG level to improve the chemical structure Drawing Skills in Chemistry
  1. 1.P.Shravani/II/1070-18-445-086
  2. N.Mounika/III/1070-17-441-030
  3. P.Ravinder/II/1070-18-445-078
  4. Durga Prasad/II/1070-18-445-002
  5. B. Srilatha/III/1070-17-445-004
15 2020-2021 Smt.G.vijaya Jyothi Chemical Analysis of Cold Drinks available and impact on the body
  1. Gadila Navya-II yr
  2. Gouri Divya-II yr
  3. Jatoth roja-II yr
  4. Vaishnavi-II yr
  5. K.Anusha-IIyr


16 2020-2021 Dr.A.Santhoshi A Novel approach for the development of Latent finger Print by Iodine-Solvent Method in Crime Science
  1. Akhil patibandla-I yr
  2. K.Venkatesh-Iyr
  3. Manohar-Iyr
  4. Sheshu-Iyr
  5. Ajay-Iyr
17 2021-2022 Dr.A.Santhoshi A Green approach on Soil PH Analysis

and acid base Titration using

Convolvulus pluricaulis flower extract as

natural indicator.

1.P.Gayatri B.Sc IIIYear


2.A.Shiva Kumar B.Sc III Year


3.Jamal Unnisa B.Sc III Year


4.B.Prashanth B.Sc III Year

5.Naveen Kumar BSc-III Year

6.P.Sai Teja B.Sc I Year



Dr. Viplav Dutt Shukla Musi river International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2016, ISSN: 2319-647.
Dr. Viplav Dutt Shukla Kinetics of anodic Oxidation of Zircaloy -4 in 0.1 M Sodium Carbonate in both aqueous and glycolic Media International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 2016, ISSN: 2319-647.
G.Vijaya Jyothi Synthesis and structural characterization of Poly Iodide &mixed Poly halide ions with transition copper metal cation IOSR Journal of Applied Chemical sciences         Oct 2016
G.Vijaya Jyothi The Flame photometric Determination of Na+ and K+ from selected some citrus Fruits and Their anti -oxidant capacity in vitro method Research journal of Chemical and environmental Sciences-August 2019.
Amlipursanthoshi Efficient Synthesis of N-allylated 2-nitroiminoimidazolidine analogues from Baylis-Hillman bromides Synthetic communications,2017, 47
Amlipursanthoshi Synthesis and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activities of Baylis-Hillamn Derived 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives Chemistry: The Central Science-ISBN: 13-978-1976129698-2017.
Amlipursanthoshi Design, Synthesis, Cytotoxicity and Molecular Docking Studies of Novel Baylis-HillmanDerived 1,2,3-Triazole Derivatives Der Pharma Chemica, 2018, 10(9): 106-113
Amlipursanthoshi Efficient Synthesis and Antimicrobial activity of 2-Pyridyl-4-thiazolidinones from 2-Chloro nicotinaldehydes


Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE)-2018


Amlipur santhoshi,

N. Poojitha , K. Bhuvaneshwari , Omkaar ,

P. Prathibha , B.Srilatha

A Novel Approach for the Development of Latent Finger Print by Iodine-Solvent Method in Crime Science. IJRAR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2, E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138.
Dr.Amlipur Santhoshi,

Gaddam Vijaya Jyothi,

Dasa Prakash,

Akhil Patibandla, B.Sc Life Science II Year.

A Mini Review on Piperizine Derivatives and their Biological Activity JETIR July 2021, Volume 8, Issue 7, ISSN-2349-5162.


1 Dr. Viplav Dutt Shukla, A. Dayanand A textbook of Chemistry with Practicals Kedarnath Publications ISBN No: 9387007340 2016-2017
2 Dr. Viplav Dutt Shukla, A. Dayanand A textbook of Chemistry with Practicals Kedarnath Publications ISBN No: 9380803052 2016-2017




Dr.A.Santhoshi  has donated Rs.1000/- to

Patient Name: Baby Soni

Diagnosis: Approx 45% Thermal Burn.

Date of Admission:-08-02-2022

Ref. No.: FRR/Vinayak/1009/2021-22

To verify through hospital

Vinayak Hospital:-NH 1 Atta,

Hospital No:- 01204504444

Overall Analysis:- An unfortunate incident occurred with Baby Soni, a 6-year-old female child as she accidentally came in contact with hot water and got burnt. She was immediately bought to the hospital, she is in a critical situation, as her body got 2nd and 3rd Degree deep approx 45% thermal burn injuries. The burns are on her lower back area, thighs and both leg areas.


Dr. A. Santhoshi and Smt.G.Vijaya Jyothi has donated Rs.30,000+10,000=40,000( Forty thousand Rupees only) to BSc, MPC Student  Mr. Shiva Kumar, with Roll Number: 107016441005. Mr.Shiva kumar met with accident while traveling to home town. He was admitted in NIMS hospital on 13 th June 2019. We hand over cash to his friend for surgery in lockdown period.


Department Of Chemistry has Visited AUXILLIUM NAVAJEEVAN ORPHAN HOME, House No. 6, 4-493, Krishna Nagar Colony, PBR Estate, Bholakpur, Bhoiguda, Hyderabad, Telangana 500080.



Synthochiral Labs, Mallapur. January 2019 3 Years Field Visits to labs acquaint students with the latest apparatus and instruments in NMR, IR spectrophotometer. Students of the Department of Chemistry

October 2021

5th Semester

Course Subject No. of Appeared No. of Passed Pass Percentage


Paper V 106 87 82%
B. Sc BZC&MPC Paper-VI 105 96 91.4%
BSC MPC, BtZC, ANBC, ANZC, BtBC, BZC Paper-III 125 72 58%

6th Semester

Course Subject No. of Appeared No. of Passed Pass Percentage


Paper VII 107 101 94.4%
B. Sc BZC&MPC Paper-VIII 106 102 96%
BSC MPC, BtZC, BCAN, ZCAN, BtBC, BZC Paper-IV 120 63 53%

Department of Chemistry participated in OU Science Competitions

April 15, 2023

  On 12th April 2023, the department of chemistry has participated in the Science Competitions organized by Osmania University on the occasion of World Water Day. Mr D Prakash, Assistant…

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BJR GDC Students Participated in Udbhava Program at Bhavan’s New Science College

March 6, 2023

  28.02.2023, On the occasion of National Science day, Students and staff of Science departments have participated in Udhbava program held at Bhavan’s college Narayanaguda.  

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Chemistry Dept – One Day State Level Student Workshop “Preparation of Herbal Soaps”

November 5, 2022

  On 05.11.2022, the department of chemistry has organized a state level student workshop "Preparation of Herbal Soaps" under the supervision of Dr. P. V. Geetha Lakshmi Patnaik, principal of…

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Department of Chemistry Field Visit to National Institute of Nutrition

October 20, 2022

  On 18.10.2022, The department of chemistry has carried a field visit to National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), Hyderabad for its students, under the supervision of Smt. G. Vijaya Jyothi,…

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Dept. of Chemistry Organized Extension Lecture

September 24, 2022

  On 23.09.2022, the department of chemistry has organized an extension lecture by inviting Dr. Rafia Sultana, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, GDC Begumpet. She has delivered her lecture on the…

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Awareness Programme – Ozone Day

September 21, 2022

  On 16.09.2022, the department of chemistry has observed Ozone Day and organized awareness program on ozone day under the supervision of Smt. Vijaya Jyothi, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. The…

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Dr A Santoshi, Department of Chemistry Paper Presentation at International Seminar

August 16, 2022

  We wholeheartedly congratulate Dr. A. Santoshi, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for her paper presentation at 2-Day National Seminar on "Current Trends and Futuristic Challenges in Chemical Sciences" held at…

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Department of Chemistry Field Visit

May 5, 2022

  On 30th April,2022, the department of Chemistry under the supervision of Smt. G. Vijaya Jyothi, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Dr. A. Santoshi, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, have carried…

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Science Day Fest 2022 at BJRGDC

March 9, 2022

  On 20.02.2022, the departments of sciences have organized various events on the occasion of National Science Day. Students have actively participated during the celebrations.

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Department Chemistry
Title of Practice Rasayan Rangoli
Goal The scientific Rasayan Rangoli competition was conducted to promote a scientific drive in the students in order to excel in their academics.  This competition increases the scientific temper and innovation skill in the students.  It was indeed a kaleidoscopic experience for the students. To improve creative skills and visualization skills in understanding chemistry.
The context Drawing Different Chemical structures Ex: vitamin B12, Haemoglobin,etc. artistically .
Practice Chemistry Rangoli and Poster Presentation
  The Department of Chemistry organized a Rasayan Rangoli competition for III , II and I year BSc students every year as Best practice. Rangoli” is a traditional Indian art form that utilizes the concept of geometry to create beautiful patterns (see picture), as resembled by the solid-state packing of the tailor-made “double saddle”-type. The scientific rangoli competition was conducted to promote a scientific drive in the students in order to excel in their academics.  This competition increases the scientific temper and innovation skill in the students.  It was indeed a kaleidoscopic experience for the students. To improve creative skills and visualization skills in understanding chemistry. Students selected various Drugs molecules, vitamin structures, Hemoglobin, chlorophyll and exhibited them in terms of structures of chemistry.  Students are able to understand the chemical connectivity between structures and binding site of protein molecule. Each group of Drug molecule is designed with specific colour to exhibit its importance in binding to the protein molecule. Selected Students were divided into many groups and they were made to work in groups. Each Rasayan- Rangoli is unique in its own way. This activity improves their strength, team work and grasping power to remember the structure more easily.


Evidence of Success This practice widened the horizons of students on Rasayan rangoli. They got good idea on how best practices ensured transparency and accountability in grasping chemical structure. With enhanced interest they pursued certificate course in Gchem paint online programme organized by IIT Bombay. Since two years students got P.G.seats in State university like Osmania University. A few students selected as BSc Chemist in GVK Bio Pharma company , Mallapur Branchand simultaneously persuing MSc Chemistry.


Problem Encountered Nil
Resources Required Books on Medicinal Chemistry, Telugu akademi


Department Chemistry
Title of Practice International Ozone day celebrations
Goal The World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 every year to spread awareness among people about the depletion of Ozone Layer and consequences of depletion of ozone layer find possible solutions to preserve it.To create awareness among  the students regarding the commonly used chemicals which  have been found to be extremely damaging to the ozone layer.
The context The World Ozone Day is observed on September 16 every year to spread awareness among people about the depletion of Ozone Layer. On this day, people from all over the world are expected to join the Montreal protocol to join the talks and seminars.
Practice Conducted seminars, quizzes , PPT  presentations.
Evidence of Success Students realised the need to discard the old coolers and refrigerators which are of 15 years old .students are cautious while using domestic chemicals


Problem Encountered Funds required  to make visit by expert to the college
Resources Required Required   expert lecturers visits to create awareness among the students


  • It is decided to purchase latest equipment necessary for chemistry lab.
  • It is decided to purchase latest reference books.
  • It is decided to conduct a National Seminar.

At BJR Govt. Degree College, Narayanaguda, We are happy providing excellent education and molding the future generation ..

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