Dept. of Botany

Botany Dept.

About Department of Botany

  • The Department of Botany was established in the year 1974, with English and Telugu as Medium of instruction.
  • Degree course with Botany with other combination Applied Nutrition, Biotechnology and microbiology subjects was introduced in2019-20
  • It is one of the leading Departments dedicated in the field of teaching and research in plant sciences. The aim has always been to focus on the human dimension.
  • The department consists of 3 faculty and supported by 1 technical staff as lab assistant, gardener and herbarium keeper.
  • The Department offers undergraduate programme in Botany with Ecology and biodiversity, Horticulture, seed technology, Tissue culture and biotechnology as elective.
  • The Department offers SEC and GE courses like Mushroom Cultivation, Vermi composting Bio-Fertilizers and Economic Botany.
  • The Department has involved in various thrust areas of research viz. Plant systematics, Phytochemistry, Seed Physiology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering.
  • As the glorious years roll in to the history of the department, it has developed by leaps and bounds contributing significantly to the development of the college and the society.
  • Vision
    • To develop the department as a Premier Centre of Teaching and Research in Plant Science
    • To discover, maintain, and transmit knowledge concerning basic plant biology and provide leadership in the biological sciences.


    • To expand academic co-operation by offering new courses and upgrading programmes to a wider spectrum of students
    • To produce entrepreneurs for prosperous ventures in the selected fields of their advancements with global perspectives
    • To encourage students to take up higher studies in plant science as their career. To provide ample opportunities for students to get themselves exposed with the current advancements in the field of plant science.
    • To devise strategies for the sustainable utilization and conservation of phytodiversity.
    • Objectives of the Department
    • Our objective is to have holistic development and academic excellence in imparting knowledge, training in scientific and transferable skills through modular lecture courses, Research projects, written work, Case studies, Problem solving, Fieldtrips, Seminars and Supervisions.
    • To sensitize students and society regarding entrepreneurship through Agri-based business as well as Horticulture, Landscape designing and in other allied fields of Botany.



The Department offers UG-B.Sc -Botany with the following combinations in English Medium


Program outcomes and Program Specific outcome

S.No Program Program Objectives Program Specific objectives
  B.Sc. -Botany (Life Sciences) The Option of the B.Sc. Science degree is geared toward students whose interests and skills in science are more cross-disciplinary. The educational objectives of the Option are to produce graduates:

·  Who become well versed in a broad range of topics in the sciences and gain knowledge of the sciences, with a concentration in one of the sciences courses.

·    The students are prepared to further their higher education at Post graduate level and/or directly pursue productive professional careers in the private, state, or educational sectors.

·  The students are motivated and trained in application of higher-level learning skills in critical thinking and problem solving as applied to science issues.

·  The stakeholders can inculcate knowledge by which they can effectively apply the scientific method.

·  They can utilize the cross-disciplinary research literature to analyze and synthesize science issues and their socio-economic and political implications.

·  In their future careers they will be able to work both on cross-disciplinary teams and function independently as specialists in a science or technical field.

·  This makes B.Sc degree a very important weapon in arsenal and opens a plethora of opportunities for further studies.


  • B.Sc Botany, Zoology & Chemistry, Food &Nutrition, Botany & Chemistry course enables the students to take up advanced studies in Botany, Zoology & Chemistry .Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Food & Nutrition.
  • The main goal of this course is to develop a deeper understanding of natural laws, inquiring about the reasons and logics which govern them through established methods of observation, modeling, experimentation and calculations.
  • It also focuses on research as well as lucrative employment opportunities across the globe and Entrepreneurship.
  • The life sciences are a collection of disciplines that investigate the structure and function of living things from molecules to entire ecosystems.
  • The life sciences are rapidly-advancing and thoroughly exciting fields of study that include: anatomy, animal biology, bacteriology, biochemistry, cell biology, ecology, evolutionary biology, genetics, molecular biology, plant biology, physiology, and virology.
  • The life sciences are vital to further increase our understanding of human health, environmental issues.
  • It is ideal for the student with a fascination for where we come from, why we are, the way we are, and how life works – as well as those motivated by the relevance of biology to issues of human health, the environment, and sustainability.


S.No Program Program Outcome Program Specific Outcomes
  B.Sc. -Botany (Life Sciences)


Graduates of the program are expected with the following positive outcomes:

·   The student will develop a strong ability to apply knowledge in the sciences, the humanities & social sciences, the arts, and political sciences to explore and understand  various science issues.

·   They  will be mold with an aptitude for designing, conducting, and communicating the results of literature-based research on current science topics.

· They will gain well-developed skills in analysis and research acquired through courses, lab work, internship, undergraduate research.

·  skill to work productively as individuals and in cross-disciplinary teams.

·  To effectively communicate science concepts and issues to diverse audiences.

· Will have comprehensive understanding of major science issues faced by  global society today.

·  An ability to understand and use selected techniques and analytical/survey tools in the practice of science


  • The key advantages of  these Life Science graduates have is that of choice. They have a wide range of options available in terms of subjects, topics, fields and other associated as mentioned above to pursue their graduation degree in. B.Sc graduates can opt to join a postgraduate level degree programme in their respective field or subject to pursue further studies.
  • Some students have also been known to opt for non-science master degree programmes like journalism, animation, computer technology, management, hospitality sector and many others as their field of study after completion of their B.Sc graduation.
  • It provides excellent preparation for careers in biological research, biotechnology, law, conservation, public policy, and science writing, as well as the health professions, including medicine, veterinary medicine and public health.


  • After completing BSc. degree one can get employed in non-scientific sectors in addition to scientific sectors. They can seek out for career in research laboratories, Government corporations, banking and finance sector and so on. Apart from this, Life Science Graduates can also find jobs in IT industry, business, BPO, marketing, Technical Writing and So on.



Total Faculty Members in Botany department : 2

Sl.No. Photo Name Designation Profile
1 Dr. N. Ravi Babu M.Sc, Ph.D Assistant Professor Profile
2 Lt.E.M.Sunitha M.Sc, (Ph.D) Associate Professor Profile


Students Projects

YEAR Title of the Project Comments
2018-19 “Identification of Anti-bacterial Activity of Zingiber officinale on Pathogenic Bacteria” Won State level Second Prize in Jignasa state level project
2018-19 Study of Certain Medicinal Plants of India used in Day-to-Day Life
2018-19 Study of Enzyme Activity in Certain Plants of Melkote Park, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad.
2019-20 “Identification of Anti-Microbial Bioactive compounds from Hemidesmus indicus roots”
2019-20 “Study of Plastic Degrading Microorganisms from Soil Rhizosphere”
2019-20 “Study and Collection of Flora from Ananthagiri Hills Forest”
2020-21 Permadyanamics: A present scenario of syntrophic farming
2020-21 Regenerative farming-A new water management cropping system


Every year the students are taken to Botanical tour for plant collection and Preparation of the Herbarium and Horticulture show to get first-hand experience with nature‘s Biodiversity

SNo. Name of the Organization Date of Visit Group Purpose of the field visit
1 Field Trip to Forest Research Institute, Dullapally


05.11.2018 I,II and III B.Sc BZC Students The major objective is to familiarize the students with the flora and ecology of the region. Also to acquaint them with the importance of wetlands and the threats to these ecosystems face due to natural and anthropogenic pressures
2. Field Trip to Grape Research Station,RajendraNagar 02-03-2019 III B.Sc BZC T/M & E/M Students To make the student learn different types of hybrids(60 Varieties) in grapes and mineral nutrition required for grapes growth and how to use organic fertilizers.
3 Horticulture Show Visit at Peoples Plaza 26-08-2018 B.Sc BZC III yr T/M & E/M Students To show the students to show different Phyto-diversity
4 All India Horticulture Show Visit at Peoples Plaza 19-08-2019 B.Sc BZC III yr T/M & E/M  and Iyr Life science Students To show the students to show different Phyto-diversity
5. Field Trip to Grape Research Station ,        RajendraNagar 19-02-2020 III B.Sc BZC T/M & E/M Students To make the student learn different types of hybrids(60 Varieties) in grapes and mineral nutrition required for grapes growth and how to use organic fertilizers.
All India Horticulture Show Visit at Peoples Plaza 17-08-2021 B.Sc BZC III yr T/M & E/M  and Iyr Life science Students To show the students to show different Phyto-diversity and latest techniques in nursey and organic farming

Workshops and Seminars (Attended & Organized)

  1. The Department of Botany organized One Day Workshop- cum – Training on “Mushroom Cultivation –A scope for skill and Entrepreneurship development” to the B.Sc I yr and  IIIyr (BZC TM & EM). On 04.2019.
  2. The Department of Botany organized One Day Worshop on “Bonsai and Horticulture Techniques” on 04.05.2019.
  3. The Department of Botany organized One day workshop cum training on “Eco friendly Ganesha- training, awareness and an self-employability programme”. Was conducted in collaboration with Rotary Club Greater Hyderabad on 28 Aug,2019.
  4. The Department of Botany organized September – National Nutrition Month

Theme 2019 – #POSHAN MAAH Sept 2019 updates

  1. Theme : *Har gharposhanvyavahar*
  2. *Panch Sutra for Maah*

In connection with the above celebrations ,On September 26th ,2019  a lecture was conducted in  the college for the I yr B.Sc life Science students. Two guest speakers were invited to enlighten the students about this year’s theme by Ms. Jayasheela Ruth, Consultant Dietitian at Ankura Hospital and   Miss.Pratyushavannadi, Dietitian at kameneni group of hospitals,  LB Nagar.

  1. The Department of Botany organized one day workshop cum training on “Organic Composting, Vermicomposting ,Bio-Fertilizers and organic manures – For environmental consciousness and Entrepreneurship “0n 17th March, 2021
  2. The Department of Botany organized one day workshop cum training on “Herbarium Techniques and Awareness  on Virtual/Digital Herbarium “0n 4th March, 2021
  3. Attended Two day workshop on “Molecular Docking application in drug discovery” at R.B.V.R.Reddy Women’s College ,Narayanaguda.on24th& 25th January 2019
  4. Participated One day Orientation Program at Vivekananda Institute of Excellence, Hyderabad.on 14th Sept, 2018
  5. Participated Orientation Program on “Contributor Personality Training” at Vivekananda Institute of Excellence, Hyderabad on 25th March, 2019

    Every year the students are taken  to Botanical tour for plant collection and Preparation of the Herbarium and Horticulture show to get first hand experience with nature‘s Biodiversity

    SNo. Name of the Organization Date of Visit Group Purpose of the field visit
    1 Field Trip to Forest Research Institute,Dullapally


    05.11.2018 I,II and III B.Sc BZC Students The major objective is to familiarize the students with the flora and ecology of the region. Also to acquaint them with the importance of wetlands and the threats to these ecosystems face due to natural and anthropogenic pressures
    2. Field Trip to Grape Research Station ,        RajendraNagar 02-03-2019 III B.Sc BZC T/M & E/M Students To make the student learn different types of hybrids(60 Varieties) in grapes and mineral nutrition required for grapes growth and how to use organic fertilizers.
    3 Horticulture Show Visit at Peoples Plaza 26-08-2018 B.Sc BZC III yr T/M & E/M Students To show the students to show different Phytodiversity
    4 All India Horticulture Show Visit at Peoples Plaza 19-08-2019 B.Sc BZC III yr T/M & E/M  and Iyr Life science Students To show the students to show different Phytodiversity
    5. Field Trip to Grape Research Station ,        RajendraNagar 19-02-2020 III B.Sc BZC T/M & E/M Students To make the student learn different types of hybrids(60 Varieties) in grapes and mineral nutrition required for grapes growth and how to use organic fertilizers.


An innovative programme of the department in which former students of the department pursuing PhD or PDF in India and abroad, with various scholarships, are invited to the department to interact with the students and the students are encouraged to make contacts with the scholars


It is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students in learning about, and improving the environment.

Haritha Haram,

  • Plant Distribution Programme
  • Awareness lecture on” Development without destruction” By Dr, N, Ravi Babu
  • A rally was conducted on 25-08-2018

Eco-Club Activities

  • “Save Earth” ,” Plastic Free Campus” Elocution and Essay writing  on November 2nd 2018
  • “Best out of Waste Programme” on January 29th 2019
  • Reuse of Plastic Bottles and E-waste for growing plants. Say no to Plastic and make Plastic free campus programme was conducted on February 12th
  • One day training on “Organic Composting by Aruna sheaker Director, Sun Green Organics.hyderabad on15-2-2019
  • Rangoli competition on Save environment and Biodiversity
  • How to combat Climate Change”  Elocution and Essay writing  Sept 13th  2019
  • “ Training on Rain Water Harvesting” By GHMC on Jan 23rd  -2020

    Student participation in the events outside the college:

    SNo. Event Recognition Title Students/Supervisor
    1 JIGNASA 2019 Student study project 2st Prize in Botany Subject “Identification of Anti-bacterial Activity of Zingiber officinale on Pathogenic Bacteria”




    B.Prem Kumar,

    B. Nikitha

    B.Shiva Krishna,

    K. Prashanth Reddy

    Md. Majidunnisa Begum

    S. Devender

    ( B.Sc.-BZC IIIyr E/M)



    Dr. N. Ravi Babu

    Lt. E. M. Sunitha


    Extension activities is  to train the local peoples to cultivate the mushrooms, Vermicomposting, Organic garden composting and Panchagavya  for self-employment.

    Title of the Activities Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Number of teachers co-ordinated such activities Number of students participated in such activities
    Panchagavya Preparation 22/9/2018

    at neighborhood of saidabad colony, Hyderabad

    2 10
    Nutritional Status  study of pre – school children by  Anthropometric measurements method Anganwadi centre- Musheerabad on Aug 3rd week 3 20
    Awareness Programme ( Obesity and Anaemia) September 29th to  October 2nd  2018 At Bhaglingampally, Slum ,Hyderabad 2 20
    Online live video Preparation of JEEVA AMRUTHAM To the  house wives and others on  April 17th  2020


    1 10

Result Analysis

Subject Name Number of students appeared Number of students Passed Pass Percentage
Botany7 66 62 93%
Botany8 66 65 98%

BJR GDC students represented in State Level Jignasa Competitions

May 3, 2023

  The departments of Botany, Public Administration, Economics, Zoology and Computer Science have presented their study projects at State Level Jignasa competitions held at Government City College, Government Degree College,…

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World Cancer Day Observed at BJRGDC

February 6, 2023

  On 4th February 2023, the departments of life sciences conducted an Awareness Program on Cancer, on the occasion of World Cancer Day. Students gained proper awareness on Cancer -…

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One Day Workshop cum Training on ‘Gram Stain Hands-on Workshop to Enhance Technique Competency

December 21, 2022

  On 17th December 2022, The department of Botany successfully organized One Day Workshop cum Training on 'Gram Stain Hands-on Workshop to Enhance Technique Competency'. The Gram stain is a…

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Department of Botany observed World Aids Day

December 5, 2022

  On 01st December 2022, on the occasion of World Aids Day, the department of Botany has organized an elocution competition for the students to bring out awareness among the…

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Dr. E M Sunitha, Associate Professor of Botany Received Seva Ratna Puraskar Award

December 5, 2022

  Congratulations Dr. E. M. Sunitha, Associate Professor of Botany, for receiving 'Seva Ratna Puraskar' Award by Abhinaya Sudha Kala Varadhi an Non Government Organization on 30.11.2022. BJR GDC expresses…

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Department of Botany Organized Field Visit

November 28, 2022

  On 26th November 2022, Students and Staff of the department of Botany carried a field visit and went to Botanical Gardens at Vikarabad. Dr. N. Ravi Babu and Dr.…

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Department of Botany – Workshop on “Make Your Own Ganesha Idol”

August 26, 2022

  On 26.08.2022, the department of Botany and RIEDC has organized a workshop on "Make Your Own Ganesh Idol", in view of upcoming Ganesh Chaturdhi to spread awareness of using…

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Bhagya Committee – Awarness Workshop on First Aid

May 31, 2022

  On 30.05.2022, an awareness workshop is organized by the Bhagya Committee and life sciences departments in collaboration with Dhanwantri Charitable Trust. Dr. Usha Rani, Director - Dhanwantri Trust, have…

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Extension Lecture and Plant Exchange Program – Department of Botany

May 12, 2022

  On 11.05.2022, the Department of botany in collaboration with Association of Biodiversity, Conservation and development (ABCD) organized an extension lecture on Biodiversity Conservation. The resource person was Dr.B.Sadasiviah, Assistant…

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The departments of Botany, Computer Science, Physics and History presentations at State Level Jignasa Competitions

May 5, 2022

  The departments of Botany, Computer Science, Physics and History are selected for the State Level Jignasa Student Study Project competitions, and in this regard, Student teams and project supervisors…

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  • Preparation of Taxonomy and Medicinal Plants Manuscript albums
  • Karyotyping for better understanding of the chromosomes and its mutations.
  • Mushroom Cultivation for Skill development and Entrepreneurship.

At BJR Govt. Degree College, Narayanaguda, We are happy providing excellent education and molding the future generation ..

For more information and admission details ..