Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College (A)

Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500029

Autonomous – Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad.

(Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade)

BJRGDC conferred autonomous status from 2024-2029

Two days International Seminar on


Green Trends - Pioneering Environmental Sustainability” on 19th and 20th March -2025 sponsored by Telangana Council of Higher Education (TGCHE), Hyderabad.

for Registration Click   for book brochure  Download Here


On 17th March 2023, The State Bank of India, Isamia Bazar Branch has organised an Awareness Campaign on career prospects in SBI to the college students and staff. The campaign emphasized to increase interest of eligible students in banking services.
Speaking in the programme, Sri K.S.Krishna Babu Chief Manager, Isamia Bazar said that lakhs of fresh graduates complete every year many eligible graduates are left unemployed or jobless as per the government report. The Chief Manager also gave insights about the salary, allowances, perks and other allowances enjoyed by banking officials and staffs. Sri B.Venkateswarlu, Assistant Manager, SBI interacted with the teaching and non teaching staff gave a clear understanding on the importance of banking services available at SBI, Isamia Bazar.




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