Babu Jagjivan Ram Government Degree College

Narayanaguda, Hyderabad – 500029

Autonomous – Affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad.

(Re-Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade)

BJR GDC has been conferred with autonomy for the period 2024-25 to 2028-29.


SEMESTER: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

(UG and PG Courses)

The CBCS provides choice for students to select from the prescribed courses (core, elective or minor or soft skill courses).

Course Structure:

UG Courses in the CBCS are offered within the Semester pattern.

  1. There shall be six semesters in each UG course. The duration of an Academic year consists of two semesters, each of 15 weeks of teaching.
  2. The Academic session in each semester will provide 90 teaching days.
  3. The period of the odd semesters shall be from July to November and the even semesters shall be from December to April.
  4. There shall be six categories of courses/papers in the UG programmes:
  5. AECC (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course)
  6. CC(Core Course)

DSC(Discipline Specific Course)

DSE (Discipline Specific Elective)

  1. SEC (Skill Enhancement Course)
  2. GE (Generic Elective)

Dissertation/Project: An elective course designed to acquire special/advanced knowledge, such as supplement study/support study to a project work, and a candidate studies such a course on his own with an advisory support by a teacher/faculty member is called dissertation/project.

Each course/paper shall have a character code which indicates

  1. The Department
  2. The Semester

The course No./Paper No.

The detailed UG course structure for each Department will be designed by the UG Board of Studies of the Department and finalized by the Faculty and approved by the Standing Committee of the Academic Senate of the University from time to time.

  1. Skill Enhancement Course SEC (Choice Based):

Each department shall offer one SEC paper in each of the Semesters Ill, IV, V and VI. Students shall choose one SEC paper from a pool of 3 for BA and BSc. based on their optionals. For B.Com the pool will consist of 2 SEC papers per semester out of which the student has to do only one.

Generic Elective GE:

Each department has to offer a Generic Elective in Semester Vito students of other departments. Student has to select one of them




     75% of attendance is compulsory for all students. A student shall be considered to have satisfied the requirement of attendance for appearing for the semester end examination, if he/she has attended not less than 75% of the number of classes held upto the end of the semester including tests and practicals etc.

    • However, there is a provision for condonation of attendance for the students who have attendance between ~: 65% and < 75% on Medical Grounds on payment of a fee and production of medical certificate.
    • If a student represents his/her institution, University, State or Nation in Sports, NCC, NSS or Cultural or any other officially sponsored activities, he/she shall be eligible to claim the attendance for the actual number of days participated subject to a maximum of 20 days in a Semester based on the specific recommendations of the Head of the Department and Principal of the College concerned.
    • A student who does not satisfy the requirements of attendance shall not be permitted to take internal assessment as well as the Semester end examinations.


    Cumulative Grade Point Average – CGPA

    Semester Grade Point Average – SGPA

    • Credit : Credit means the unit by which the course work is measured. In these Regulations one credit means one hour of teaching work or two hours of practical work per week.
    • Grade Letter is an index to indicate the performance of a student in a particular course (Paper). It is the transformation of actual marks secured by a student in a course/paper. It is indicated by a Grade letter 0, A, B, C, D. E, F. There is a range of marks for each Grade Letter. In case the student is absent for any exam, Ab is indicated in the memo in place of the Grade Letter.
    • Grade Point is weightage allotted to each grade letter depending on the marks awarded in a course/paper



    Range of % of Marks Grade Letter Grade Point
     ≥ 85 to 100 O 10
    70 to <85 A 9
    60 to <70 B 8
    55 to <60 C 7
    50 to <55 D 6
    ≥ 40 to <50 E 5
    < 40 F 0
    Absent Ab



    Method of Evaluation :


    • Semester End Examination of Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) shall be conducted by the University and its marks shall be a part of SGPA and CGPA.
    • AECC has 2 credits and will be evaluated for 50 marks:

    10 marks internal assessment (10 MCQs and 10 FIBs of half mark each);

    40 marks for Semester End exam (Section A: 10 marks – 2 short answers of 5 marks each, one from each unit: Section B: 30 marks – 2 long answers of 15 marks each, from each unit with internal choice).

    • Pattern of internal evaluation in UG Core and Elective papers (4 and 5 credit courses I papers) is 2 internal assessment tests of 15 marks each to be averaged and I assignment of 5 marks for a total of 20 marks.
    • Each internal assessment question paper consists of 10 MCQs of 1/2 mark each; 10 FIBs of 1/2 mark each; 5 short answers of 1 mark each.
    • No assignments for any 3 credit ,core I ,elective course I paper.
    • NO INTERNAL EXAM for practical courses. Each I Credit Practical examination is evaluated at the end of the semester for 25 marks.Evaluation by internal examiners for I, Ill & V Semesters and for II, IV & VI End Semesters by external examiners.
    • Pattern of Semester End Exam for UG Core and Elective papers( 4 and 5 credit courses I papers):
    1. For Arts, Commerce and Social sciences:


    • 5 Credit Course/ Paper (80 marks): Section ‘A’ (20 marks) consists of 8 Short Answer Questions (at least one from each unit) out of which 5 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks. Section ‘B’ (60 marks) – 5 long answer / essay type questions of 12 marks each with internal choice (2 to be set per unit).
    • 4 Credit Course/ Paper (80 marks): Section ‘A’ (20 marks) consists of 8 Short Answer Questions (two from each unit) out ofwhich 5 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 4marks. Section ‘B’ (60 marks) – 4 long question answer I essaytype questions with internal choice (2 to be set per unit). Each question carries 15 marks.
    1. For Science:
    • 4 Credit Course / Paper: (80 marks): Section ‘A’ (20 marks)consists of 8 Short Answer Questions (two from each unit) out of which 5 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 4 marks, Section ‘B’ (60 marks) – 4 long question answer / essay type questions with internal choice (2 to be set per unit). Each question carries 15 marks.
    • 3 Credit Course / Paper (60 marks): Section ‘A’ (15 marks) – consists of 8 Short Answer Questions (at least two from each unit) out of which 5 questions are to be answered. Each question carries 3 marks. Section ‘B’ (45 marks) – 3 long answer/essay type questions of 15 marks each with internal choice (2 to be set per unit).


    The marks secured by the student in the internal tests, assignments, Seminars, practicals, project work and semester-end examinations are converted into SGPA and CGPA.

    Improvement of Grades and Completion of the Course:

    Candidates who have passed in a theory paper/papers are allowed to appear again for theory paper/papers only once in order to improve his/her grade, by paying the fee prescribed by the University. If a candidate improves his/her grade, then his/her improved grade will be .taken into consideration for the award of SGPA only. Such improved grade will not be counted for the award of prizes/medals, Rank and Distinction. If the candidate does not show improvement in the grade, his/her previous grade will be taken into consideration. Candidates will not be allowed to improve marks/grade in the internal assessment, seminars and Project Work.


    Promotion, Re-admission Rules & Maximum Time for Completion of Course:

    Rules of promotion are as under:


    Sl. No.


    Conditions to be fulfilled for



    From Semester-I

    to Semester-II

    Undergone a Regular Course of Study of

    Semester-I and registered* for the

    Semester-I examination.


    From Semester-II

    to Semester-III

    a)    Undergone a Regular Course of study of Semesters-I and II. and

    b)   The number of backlogs if any, of

    Semester-I and II taken together,

    shall not exceed 50% of the total

    number of papers/subjects prescribed

    for Semesters-I and II.

    Number of papers / subjects prescribed for

    Semesters-I & II

    Number of

    backlogs permitted

    BA   12

    B.Sc 18

    B.Com 14





    From Semester IV

    to V

    a)    Undergone a Regular Course of study of

    Semesters-I, II, Ill and IV

    b)   The number of backlogs if any, of

    Semester-I, II, Ill and IV taken together,

    shall not exceed 50% of the total

    number of papers/subjects prescribed

    for Semesters-I, II, III and IV

    Number of papers / subjects prescribed for Semesters-I, II, III & IV

    Number of

    backlogs permitted

    BA   24

    B.Sc 36

    B.Com 28





    From Semester-V

    to Semester-VI

    Undergone a Regular Course of study of

    Semester-V and registered* for Semester‑

    V examination.

    * Registration means obtaining a Hall Ticket for the said examination.

    • The procedure to be followed for granting readmission to the students in the following cases:
    1. A student who did not put in the required attendance in a semester/year of a course and thus detained
    2. A student who did not pass in the required number of papers and thus detained
    3. A student after completing a semester/year did not continue their studies in the next immediate semester/year on personal /health grounds but desired to continue his/her studies after a short break
    4. A student who has put in not less than 40% of attendance in a Semester and not registered for the examination, can take re-admission in the same semester.
    5. Candidates who, after completing a semester / year of the course but taken TC to join some other course and come back to continue the earlier course.
    • In all the above cases, readmission is permissible provided they are within the period of three years. Further, the approval of the university has to be obtained in respect of those students who take TC to join some other course and come back for readmission in the same college
    • All the readmissions including such of those students who take TC and come back, shall be granted by the Principals of the concerned colleges directly subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions stipulated by the University.
    1. They should have been promoted to next higher class/semester in which they are seeking readmission.
    2. They should join the course within 4 weeks in case of semester system from the date of commencement of classes
    3. They should be able to complete the course within five years from the year of their original admission.
    4. They should pay the readmission fee as prescribed by the University

    NOTE: No readmission shall be made after the cut off date (4thweek in a 15 week semester) under any circumstances. The cut off date for granting readmission shall be reckoned from the date of commencement of classes for different courses as per the almanac communicated by the University every year.

    1. In the normal course of time a candidate is expected to complete UG Degree course within three years from the date of admission.
    2. Whenever the syllabus is revised, the candidate reappearing shall be allowed for UG Degree examinations according to the old syllabus upto 5 years from the time of his/her admission.
    3. The six-semester three -year course should be completed by a student within 5 years (3 + 2) as per the guidelines of UGC approved by Osmania University Standing Committee of the Academic Senate on 28-01-2016.
    4. Any student from earlier year-wise UG programme seeking readmission from the academic year 2017-18 onwards will have to opt for CBCS semester system.

At BJR Govt. Degree College, Narayanaguda, We are happy providing excellent education and molding the future generation ..

For more information and admission details ..